Finley Point State Park

Finley Point State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Montana
Location:11 miles north of Polson on MT 35, then 4 miles west on county road.
Facilities:20 campsites (4 tent, 16 trailer with electric and water hookups, 1@di), flush toilets, picnic area, boat dock (with hookups), boat ramp(é).
Activities:Camping, boating, fishing, swimming.
Special Features:Park is located in a secluded, mature pine forest near the south end of Flathead Lake. The park is open seasonally, from May 1-September 30.
Address:490 N Meridian Rd
Kalispell, MT 59901

Size: 28 acres. Elevation: 2,913 feet.

See other parks in Montana.