Caricin Grad

Caričin Grad


the ruins of a Byzantine city in southeastern Serbia, in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, near the city of Lebane. Caričin Grad lies on a plateau at an elevation of approximately 400 m, near the confluence of the Caričinske and Sviniaričke rivers. It has been identified with the city of Justiniana Prima, which was built in the sixth century by the emperor Justinian.

Excavations begun in 1912 have uncovered the remains of a bridge, an aqueduct, and an acropolis with a basilica and palace. The excavations have also unearthed residential and commercial buildings, basilican and triconch churches, parts of other structures, and the remains of frescoes and mosaics. The city’s center, a circular plaza, was situated at the intersection of two main straight streets.


Mano-Zisi, D. “Iskopavanje na Caričinu Gradu [1949–1954].” In the collection Starinar, vols. 3–6. Belgrade, 1955–56.
Ralegh Radford, C. A. “Justiniana Prima (Tsaritsin Grad): A 6th-century City in Southern Serbia.” Antiquity, 1954, vol. 28, no. 109.