

单词 era



abbr.1. earned run average2. Equal Rights Amendment


E0193600 (îr′ə, ĕr′ə)n.1. A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.2. A period of time characterized by particular circumstances, events, or personages: the Colonial era of US history; the Reagan era.3. The longest division of geologic time, made up of one or more periods.
[Late Latin aera, from Latin, counters, pl. of aes, aer-, bronze coin; see ayes- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈɪərə) n1. a period of time considered as being of a distinctive character; epoch2. an extended period of time the years of which are numbered from a fixed point or event: the Christian era. 3. a point in time, esp one beginning a new or distinctive period: the discovery of antibiotics marked an era in modern medicine. 4. (Palaeontology) geology a major division of geological time, divided into several periods: the Mesozoic era. [C17: from Latin aera counters, plural of aes brass, pieces of brass money]


(ˈiːrə) n acronym for1. (Education) (in Britain) Education Reform Act: the 1988 act which established the key elements of the National Curriculum2. (Sociology) (in the US) Equal Rights Amendment: a proposed amendment to the US Constitution enshrining equality between the sexes


(ˈɪər ə, ˈɛr ə)

n., pl. e•ras. 1. a period of time marked by distinctive character, events, etc. 2. the period of time to which anything belongs or is to be assigned. 3. a system of chronologic notation reckoned from a given date. 4. a point of time from which succeeding years are numbered, as at the beginning of a system of chronology. 5. a date or an event forming the beginning of any distinctive period. 6. a major division of geologic time composed of a number of periods. [1605–15; < Late Latin aera fixed date, era, probably identical with Latin aera counters, pl. of aes piece of metal, money]


1. Also, eraBaseball. earned run average. 2. Equal Rights Amendment.


(îr′ə) A division of geologic time, longer than a period and shorter than an eon.


A time unit within an eon. An era contains at least two periods.
Noun1.era - a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or eventera - a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or eventepochperiod, period of time, time period - an amount of time; "a time period of 30 years"; "hastened the period of time of his recovery"; "Picasso's blue period"day - an era of existence or influence; "in the day of the dinosaurs"; "in the days of the Roman Empire"; "in the days of sailing ships"; "he was a successful pianist in his day"historic period, age - an era of history having some distinctive feature; "we live in a litigious age"modern era - the present or recent times
2.era - a major division of geological time; an era is usually divided into two or more periodsgeological erageologic time, geological time - the time of the physical formation and development of the earth (especially prior to human history)eon, aeon - the longest division of geological timegeological period, period - a unit of geological time during which a system of rocks formed; "ganoid fishes swarmed during the earlier geological periods"
3.ERA - (baseball) a measure of a pitcher's effectiveness; calculated as the average number of earned runs allowed by the pitcher for every nine innings pitchedearned run averagebaseball, baseball game - a ball game played with a bat and ball between two teams of nine players; teams take turns at bat trying to score runs; "he played baseball in high school"; "there was a baseball game on every empty lot"; "there was a desire for National League ball in the area"; "play ball!"criterion, standard, touchstone, measure - a basis for comparison; a reference point against which other things can be evaluated; "the schools comply with federal standards"; "they set the measure for all subsequent work"


noun age, time, period, stage, date, generation, cycle, epoch, aeon, day or days a custom pre-dating the Christian era


nounA particular time notable for its distinctive characteristics:age, day, epoch, period, time (often used in plural).


(ˈiərə) noun1. a number of years counting from an important point in history. the Victorian era. 時代 时代2. a period of time marked by an important event or events. an era of social reform. 時期 年代
IdiomsSeein the Common Era



period of historic time. In geology, it is the name applied to large divisions of geological process, e.g., Paleozoic era (see geologygeology,
science of the earth's history, composition, and structure, and the associated processes. It draws upon chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy, and mathematics (notably statistics) for support of its formulations.
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). In chronology an era is a period reckoned from a fixed point in time, as before or after the birth of Christ—before Christ, B.C.; Anno Domini [year of the Lord], A.D. The points best known for Western history are the creation of the world (Jewish, equivalent to 3761 B.C.; Byzantine, 5508 B.C.); the founding of the city of Rome [753 B.C.; year marked A.U.C. for ab urbe condita (from the founding of the city)]; the HegiraHegira
or Hejira
[Ar.,=Hijra=breaking off of relations], the departure of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca in Sept., 622. Muhammad was a monotheist and preached against the polytheism of the Meccan religion.
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, the flight of Muhammad from Mecca (A.D. 622; abbreviation A.H.); and the founding of the Olympic games in ancient Greece (776 B.C.; time in Olympiads). Some people use C.E. (originally, Christian era, now common era) and B.C.E. (before common era) in place of A.D. and B.C., respectively. Since in different calendars years are of different lengths and do not begin on the same day (see calendarcalendar
[Lat., from Kalends], system of reckoning time for the practical purpose of recording past events and calculating dates for future plans. The calendar is based on noting ordinary and easily observable natural events, the cycle of the sun through the seasons with equinox
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), several factors have to be used in changing the year of one era to that of another, and even with conversion charts there are still difficulties. Because of poor time calculation in earlier times, there may be anomalies in dating. Thus, the beginning of the Christian era, originally fixed probably by Dionysius ExiguusDionysius Exiguus
, d. c.545, Roman monk, chronologist, and scholar, a transmitter of Greek thought to the Middle Ages. He made collections of 5th-century papal decretals and the canons of the early church councils.
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, was set a little too late. Therefore the actual birth of Jesus must be dated a little earlier, probably in 4 B.C. The term epochepoch,
unit of geologic time that is a subdivision of a period. The Pleistocene and Holocene epochs, for example, are divisions of the Quaternary period. Epoch is also used to describe a short length of geologic time during a special occurrence, such as the glacial epoch.
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 is often confused with era in writing.



(1) In chronology, a fixed point in time that is connected with a real or legendary event and from which a series of years is reckoned. The term “era” is also applied to the system of chronological notation itself. The Christian era, or Common Era, for example, counts the years from a generally accepted date in the Christian religion: the birth of Christ. The peoples of ancient times used different eras that took as their starting point a real or mythical event or the founding of a ruling dynasty. The era of Nabonassar of Babylon, for example, began in 747 B.C.; in ancient Rome, time was reckoned from the founding of Rome (ab urbe condita), considered to have taken place in 753 B.C.; and the Muslim era (the Hegira) began in A.D. 622, the year in which, according to legend, Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina.

Some eras are reckoned from a point in time chosen for astronomical reasons, which may be combined with religious considerations; examples include those systems that start from an assumed date of the creation of the world. In Judaism this date is 3761 B.C; in the Russian Orthodox Church it is 5508 B.C. In the same category is the Hindu Kali Yuga, which began in 3102 B.C. The Julian period, which was introduced at the end of the 16th century, provided a convenient system of reckoning for astronomical and chronological calculations; it began in 4713 B.C. (see and CALENDAR).

(2) A major historical period that differs fundamentally from the preceding period.


[′ir·ə] (geology) A unit of geologic time constituting a subdivision of an eon and comprising one or more periods.


(nucleonics) electron ring accelerator


Geology a major division of geological time, divided into several periods




(2)Synonym epoch. Webster's Unabridged makes these wordsalmost synonymous, but "era" usually connotes a span of timerather than a point in time.


(Electrically Reconfigurable Array) A programmable logic chip (PLD) technology from Plessey Semiconductor that allows the chip to be reprogrammed electrically.



Abbreviation for electronic remittance advice.

effective radiating area



The area of a therapeutic ultrasound head that produces useful ultrasonic energy, measured in square centimeters (cm2). The effective radiating area is calculated by identifying all points where the ultrasonic energy is at least 5% of the maximum measured intensity at the transducer's surface.


a division of geological time, such as Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Palaeozoic, which is itself divided into periods. See GEOLOGICAL TIME.
LegalSeeEqual Rights AmendmentFinancialSeeSer


ERAEarned Run Average
ERAEqual Rights Amendment
ERAElectronic Research Administration
ERAElectronic Retailing Association
ERAEqual Rights Advocates
ERAEcological Risk Assessment
ERAEnergy Resources of Australia
ERAEuropean Research Area
ERAEducational Research Association (various locations)
ERAElectronics Representatives Association
ERAEnvironmental Risk Assessment
ERAElectronic Remittance Advice (health insurance)
ERAElectronic Records Archive (NARA)
ERAEuropean Renal Association
ERAESET Remote Administrator (software)
ERAExcellence in Research for Australia
ERAExpense Reduction Analysts
ERAExtended Range Artillery
ERAEffective Resource Allocation
ERAEuropean Railway Agency
ERAEmerging Research Area
ERAEarly Rheumatoid Arthritis
ERAExplosive Reactive Armor
ERAEmployment Relations Act (various organizations)
ERAEdinburgh Research Archive (Scotland, UK)
ERAEconomic Research Analysis
ERAEnterprise Reference Architecture (software)
ERAEnvironment Related Activities
ERAEducation Reform Act (1998)
ERAEvoked Response Audiometry
ERAEuropäische Rechtsakademie Trier (German: Academy of European Law Trier; Trier, Germany)
ERAEuropean Robotic Arm
ERAEuropean Regions Airline Association
ERAEn-Route Alternate (aviation)
ERAEuropean Rotogravure Association
ERAEnvironmentally Relevant Activity
ERAEducational Research Abstracts
ERAEnglish Racing Automobiles
ERAEmbedded Remote Access
ERAEntity Relation Attribute
ERAEthics Risk Assessment (software)
ERAElectronic Research Announcements (journal)
ERAEstonian Road Administration
ERAElderly Rental Assistance (Oregon)
ERAEntity Relationship Attribute (model)
ERAEconomics Research Associates (California)
ERAEngineering Research Associates
ERAEconomic Regulation Authority (Australia)
ERAEuropean Ramblers Association
ERAExpedited Response Action
ERAEuropean Regional Airlines Association
ERAExtended Range Ammunition
ERAEmergency Roadside Assistance
ERAEnergy Reorganization Act of 1974
ERAElectrical Response Audiometry
ERAEsperanto Radikala Asocio (Italian)
ERAEarly Retirement Age (pension benefit calculations)
ERAElectronic Realty Associates
ERAEuropean Recovery Act
ERAEnglish Racing Automobiles (UK)
ERAEuropean Radon Association
ERAEmbedded Remote Access (Dell Computer Corporation)
ERAEngine Room Artificer (Royal Navy)
ERAEconomic Regulatory Administration
ERAExcitatory Response Area
ERAEnvironnement-Recherche-Action (French: Environment-Action Research; Cameroon)
ERAElectrical Research Association (UK)
ERAEducation Recording Agency (licensing scheme; intellectual property; UK)
ERAEnvironmental Restoration Account (cleanup funds)
ERAEmployee Reimbursement Account
ERAEigensystem Realization Algorithm
ERAEuropean Radio Awards
ERAEnergy Research Abstracts
ERAÉtudes & Recherches en Archéologie (French: Studies & Research in Archaeology)
ERAEnvironnement de Réseaux Autonomes (French: Autonomous Networks Environment)
ERAElder Rights Association (various locations)
ERAEndothelin-Receptor Agonist (hypertension treatment)
ERAEconomic Regulatory Agency
ERAExtended Registry Attribute
ERAEnvironmental Research Applications
ERAExabiology and Radiation Assembly (European Space Agency experiment)
ERAElectric Railroaders' Association, Inc
ERAEntity-Relationship Analysis
ERAElectronics Recycling Association (Canada)
ERAEconomic Recovery Assistance
ERAEndurance Riders of Alberta
ERAElectronic Rothamsted Archive
ERAElectrically Reconfigurable Array
ERAEvent Recording Automata
ERAEngine Room Assistant
ERAEverglades Restoration Act
ERAEmergency Reserve Account
ERAEmployee Riders Association (of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company)
ERAEstimated Relative Abundances
ERAEgyptians Relief Association (Burke, VA)
ERAEnglish Regional Associations
ERAExpedited Removal Action
ERAExecutive Recruitment Association
ERAExtra Regimental Assignment
ERAExtended Range ASROC
ERAe-Research Australasia
ERAEndothelium-Receptor Antagonist
ERAExecution Review Account
ERAEvent Relations Analyzer


  • noun

Synonyms for era

noun age


  • age
  • time
  • period
  • stage
  • date
  • generation
  • cycle
  • epoch
  • aeon
  • day or days

Synonyms for era

noun a particular time notable for its distinctive characteristics


  • age
  • day
  • epoch
  • period
  • time

Synonyms for era

noun a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event


  • epoch

Related Words

  • period
  • period of time
  • time period
  • day
  • historic period
  • age
  • modern era

noun a major division of geological time


  • geological era

Related Words

  • geologic time
  • geological time
  • eon
  • aeon
  • geological period
  • period

noun (baseball) a measure of a pitcher's effectiveness


  • earned run average

Related Words

  • baseball
  • baseball game
  • criterion
  • standard
  • touchstone
  • measure




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