

单词 cpa



abbr. certified public accountant


(in the US) abbreviation for (Professions) certified public accountant


or C.P.A.,

certified public accountant.
Noun1.CPA - an accountant who has passed certain examinations and met all other statutory and licensing requirements of a United States state to be certified by that state; "in addition to accounting and auditing, CPAs also prepare tax returns for individuals and corporations"certified public accountantaccountant, comptroller, controller - someone who maintains and audits business accounts



(communications) color-phase alternation


(1) (Cost Per Action) The cost to an advertiser for clicking an ad on a website that results in purchasing a product or registering contact information, the latter called "cost per lead" (CPL). See pay-per-click, click-through rate and RPM.

(2) (Computer Press Association, Landing, NJ) An earlier membership organization founded in 1983 that promoted excellence in computer journalism. Its annual awards honored outstanding examples in print, broadcast and electronic media. The CPA disbanded in 2000.



Abbreviation for:
Canadian Physiotherapy Association
Canadian Psychiatrist Association
Canadian Psychologist Association
carboxypeptidase A
Care Programme Approach, see there (Medspeak-UK)
cardiac peak amplitude
cardiopulmonary arrest
cerebellopontine angle
child-placing agencies
childhood physical abuse
chronic pyrophosphate arthropathy
Clinical Pathology Accreditation, see there (Medspeak-UK)
colony-promoting activity
Comprehensive Performance Assessment (Medspeak-UK)
congenital pyloric atresia
costophrenic angle
critical-path analysis (Medspeak-UK)
cryoprotective agent
cyclosporin A


Canadian Physiotherapy Association.



An abbreviation for certified public accountant. A CPA is a trained accountant who has been examined and licensed by the state. He or she is permitted to perform all the tasks of an ordinary accountant in addition to examining the books and records of various business organizations, such as corporations.


Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

An accountant who has met certain standards, including experience, age, and licensing, and passed exams in a particular state.

Certified Public Accountant

A professionally licensed accountant. In the United States, CPA eligibility conditions vary by state, but all require the successful completion of a four-part CPA exam. CPAs can legally give public attestation to advice on financial statements; for example, only a CPA can sign an in-house audit. See also: Accountancy.


See Certified Public Accountant.


CPACertified Public Accountant
CPACitizens' Police Academy
CPACost Per Action
CPAComprehensive Peace Agreement (Sudan)
CPACanadian Psychiatric Association
CPACoalition Provisional Authority (Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance)
CPACanadian Psychological Association
CPACommunity Preservation Act
CPAComprehensive Performance Assessment
CPACanadian Payroll Association
CPACanadian Paraplegic Association
CPACoalition Provisional Authority (Iraq)
CPAChartered Professional Accountant (professional designation)
CPACanadian Physiotherapy Association
CPACathay Pacific Airways
CPAChartered Public Accountant
CPACommunications and Public Affairs
CPACodigo Postal Argentino (Spanish: Argentine Postal Code)
CPACare Programme Approach (UK mental health policy)
CPAChinese Progressive Association
CPACritical Perspectives on Accounting (journal)
CPAComputer Programmer Analyst
CPACenter for the Performing Arts
CPACanadian Payments Association
CPACentre for Policy Alternatives
CPAClinical Pathology Accreditation (UK)
CPAClub de Patinage Artistique (French figure skating club)
CPACenter for Physical Activity (East Tennessee State University)
CPAComposite Panel Association
CPACollege Parents of America
CPACollaboration Protocol Agreement (ebXML)
CPACartes Postales Anciennes
CPAChild Protection Act (various locations)
CPAChrist Presbyterian Academy (Nashville, TN)
CPACanadian Public Administration (journal; Wiley)
CPAConstruction and Planning Agency (various locations)
CPAConstruction Products Association (UK)
CPAChannel Port Adapter (Cisco)
CPACommonwealth Parliamentary Association (UK)
CPACommunity Partners in Action (Hartford, CT)
CPAConsolidated Plan of Action (African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology)
CPACorporate Performance Assessment
CPACivilian Production Administration
CPACrop Protection Association (UK)
CPAComprehensive Plan Amendment
CPACarolina Performing Arts (Chapel Hill, NC)
CPACollaboration-Protocol Agreement (Oasis)
CPACost per Acquisition
CPAComputer Press Association
CPAControl Panel
CPAChannel Port Adapter
CPACrashdump Pool Analyzer
CPACisco Personal Assistant
CPAConsolidated Payments Architecture
CPACollaboration Protocol Agreement
CPACorrelation Power Analysis
CPACredit Protection Association (various locations)
CPAConsumer Protection Agency (Egypt)
CPACentre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires (French: Center for Business Training; est. 1929)
CPAClosest Point of Approach
CPACommunity Planning Association (various locations)
CPAContinuous Payment Authority (automatic accounts)
CPACertified Practising Accountant
CPAChirped Pulse Amplification
CPACommunist Party of Australia
CPACessation Progressive d'Activité (French: Gradual Retirement Scheme)
CPACulture et Politique Arabes (French: Arab Culture and Politics; website)
CPACommunauté d'Agglomération du Pays d'Aix (French urban planning group)
CPACrime Prevention Act (various locations)
CPAContent Provider Access
CPACollectif des Plateformes d'Affiliation (French: Collective Affiliate Network)
CPACombat Poverty Agency
CPACritical Path Analysis
CPAClasse Préparatoire à l'Apprentissage (French: Pre-Apprenticeship Class)
CPACentre for Policy on Ageing
CPACiment Portland Artificiel (French: Artificial Portland Cement)
CPACentre for Psychological Astrology
CPACenter for Policy Alternatives
CPACanadian Peace Alliance
CPACore Public Administration
CPACommunicating Process Architectures
CPACordillera Peoples Alliance (Cordillera, Philippines indigenous peoples organization)
CPACommission on Preservation and Access
CPACommunity Planning Act (various locations)
CPACoherent Potential Approximation
CPAConstruction Plant-Hire Association (UK)
CPACommonwealth Pharmaceutical Association (UK)
CPACerebelloPontine Angle (tumors)
CPACanadian Police Association
CPACorpus Pattern Analysis (computational linguistics)
CPACommunity Property Agreement (legal document)
CPAComprehensive Plan of Action
CPACoefficient de Polissage Accéléré (French: Accelerated Polishing Coefficient)
CPAConsumer Protection Association (UK)
CPACall Progress Analysis (also PCPM, Programmable Call Progress Monitor)
CPAChairman’s Program Assessment (US DoD)
CPACoherent Perfect Absorber (physics)
CPACommunist Party USA
CPACanadian Philosophical Association
CPAComité des Plastiques en Agriculture (French: Plastics in Agriculture Committee)
CPAChristian Police Association (UK)
CPACommonwealth Ports Authority
CPACatholic Patriotic Association
CPACessna Pilots Association
CPACost Plus Award
CPACustomer Profitability Analysis
CPACountywide Planning Authority (Florida)
CPAChild Placement Agency
CPACanada Port Authority
CPACore Program Area (Uganda)
CPACell Phone Amplifier (hearing aid)
CPACalled Party Address
CPAChampagne Parc Auto (French auto park)
CPACanadian Poetry Association
CPACleaner Production Assessment (various organizations)
CPAConditions Particulières d'Autorisation (French: Special Conditions of Authorization)
CPACirculating Platelet Aggregation
CPACanadian Pacific Airlines
CPAChosen-Plaintext Attack
CPAChief of Public Affairs
CPAChildhood Physical Abuse
CPACalifornia Partnership Academies
CPACanaveral Port Authority
CPACalifornia Psychiatric Association
CPACost and Price Analysis
CPAConnector Position Assurance
CPAChristian People's Alliance
CPACommon Payment Application (smart chip card industry)
CPACell Proliferation Assay
CPAConnecticut Psychological Association
CPACopolymer Alloy
CPAChartered Patent Attorney
CPAComputing Processes and Artifacts
CPAChasse-Pêche-Amitié (French: Hunting-Fishing-Friendship; online forum)
CPAChief Patrol Agent (US Border Patrol)
CPACanadian Parking Association
CPACanadian Petroleum Association
CPACasual Players Alliance (website)
CPAConsumer Protection Act of 1991
CPACakewalk Pro Audio
CPACenter for Photographic Art
CPACritical Patch Update (Oracle)
CPACrime Pattern Analysis
CPACubic-Plus-Association (equation of state)
CPACaring People Alliance
CPACincinnati Paralegal Association
CPACenter for Profitable Agriculture
CPAConnecticut Pharmacists Association
CPACarry Propagate Adder
CPAConseils en Patrimoine et en Assurances (French: Heritage Consulting and Insurance)
CPACentral Planning Area
CPACaribbean Philosophical Association
CPACornish Pasty Association (UK)
CPAChartered Patent Agent (UK)
CPACompulsory Purchase Annuity (UK)
CPACorrective & Preventive Action (quality assurance systems)
CPAChristmas Prepayment Association (UK)
CPACorrosion Prevention Association (UK)
CPACalgary Parking Authority
CPACost Per Acquisition/Action (internet advertising)
CPACoalition for Peace Action
CPACorrugated Packaging Association
CPAContract Price Adjustment
CPACanadian Poolplayers Association
CPACustom Painting Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
CPAChesapeake Paddlers Association
CPACharter Performance Agreement (commercial trade)
CPACarter Partnership Award (various schools)
CPAChartres Poker Association (France)
CPACouncil Performance Assessment (US Girl Scouts)
CPACar Park Attendant
CPAContent Portal Authority (SurfControl)
CPACiencias Psicosociales Aplicadas (Spanish: Applied Psychosocial Sciences)
CPACultural Property Advice (UK)
CPACold Plasma Analyzer
CPACentrale du Pneu et des Accessoires (French: Central Tire and Accessories)
CPACompeting Pipers Association
CPACircuit Processing Apparatus (various companies)
CPAComment Pending Approval
CPACalifornia Placement Association (California Community College Placement Association)
CPACost Performance Analysis
CPACo-Polar Attenuation
CPACombined Paging/Access
CPACharged Particle Analyzer
CPAChinanteco Palantla (SIL code, Mexico)
CPACampaign for Public Accountability
CPAConflict Prevention Associates
CPACoalition for Public Awareness
CPACincinnati Performing Arts (Cincinnati, OH)
CPACustomer-Provided Access
CPAClinical Pathology Associates (Austin, TX)
CPACentre for Proteome Analysis
CPAColumbus Progressive Alliance
CPACommunity Postal Agent (Australia Post)
CPACommand Processor Assembly
CPACentral Purchasing Authority
CPACultural Pluralism and the Arts
CPACentralized/Bulk Power Architecture
CPACyprus Pharmaceutical Association
CPAConsumer Protection Appraisal
CPAComputer Patents Annuities
CPACustomer Product Advisor
CPACommercial Production Association
CPAColorado Payphone Association
CPACorporate Purchase Agreement
CPACommon Programming APIs
CPACommon Process Architecture (software engineering)
CPACut and Paste Artist
CPAComputer Program Abstracts (NASA)
CPAConcurrent Photon Amplification
CPAConnecticut Perinatal Association
CPAConstant Pain in the Ass
CPACoupled-Pair Approximation
CPACalling Party Answer (ITU-T)
CPACustomer Product Audit
CPACustomer Price Agreement
CPAComprehensive Peer Assessment
CPAController Processing Assembly
CPAChildren's Psychology Associates
CPACanadian Pinzgauer Association
CPAContiguous Processor Allocation
CPAContract Property Administrator
CPACharged-Particle Analysis
CPACircular Patch Antenna
CPACommunications Planning Aid
CPACreative Progress Agency (Bulgaria)
CPAContingency Planning Aid (NASA)
CPACritical Parametric Analysis
CPAClassification Products By Activity
CPAComputer Products Administration
CPACash Purchasing Agent
CPACoordinated Purchase Agreement
CPACommander's Personal Attention
CPACleaning, Pressing, and Altering
CPAControl Purchasing Authority
CPACost Planning & Appraisal
CPACommon Paging and Access
CPACost/Personal Accounting
CPACatholic Parents Association
CPACircular Probable Area
CPACary Photographic Artists (Cary, NC)
CPACommunications Power Assembly
CPAConventional Patch Antenna
CPACapability Provisioning Activity (NECC program)
CPAConversion Pad Assembly (chemical demil plants)
CPACargo Preference Act of 1954
CPAComprehensive Peace Arrangement
CPACase Processing Associate


  • noun

Synonyms for CPA

noun an accountant who has passed certain examinations and met all other statutory and licensing requirements of a United States state to be certified by that state


  • certified public accountant

Related Words

  • accountant
  • comptroller
  • controller




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