Acronym | Definition |
CPA➣Certified Public Accountant |
CPA➣Citizens' Police Academy |
CPA➣Cost Per Action |
CPA➣Comprehensive Peace Agreement (Sudan) |
CPA➣Canadian Psychiatric Association |
CPA➣Coalition Provisional Authority (Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance) |
CPA➣Canadian Psychological Association |
CPA➣Community Preservation Act |
CPA➣Comprehensive Performance Assessment |
CPA➣Canadian Payroll Association |
CPA➣Canadian Paraplegic Association |
CPA➣Coalition Provisional Authority (Iraq) |
CPA➣Chartered Professional Accountant (professional designation) |
CPA➣Canadian Physiotherapy Association |
CPA➣Cathay Pacific Airways |
CPA➣Chartered Public Accountant |
CPA➣Communications and Public Affairs |
CPA➣Codigo Postal Argentino (Spanish: Argentine Postal Code) |
CPA➣Care Programme Approach (UK mental health policy) |
CPA➣Chinese Progressive Association |
CPA➣Critical Perspectives on Accounting (journal) |
CPA➣Computer Programmer Analyst |
CPA➣Center for the Performing Arts |
CPA➣Canadian Payments Association |
CPA➣Centre for Policy Alternatives |
CPA➣Clinical Pathology Accreditation (UK) |
CPA➣Club de Patinage Artistique (French figure skating club) |
CPA➣Center for Physical Activity (East Tennessee State University) |
CPA➣Composite Panel Association |
CPA➣College Parents of America |
CPA➣Collaboration Protocol Agreement (ebXML) |
CPA➣Cartes Postales Anciennes |
CPA➣Child Protection Act (various locations) |
CPA➣Christ Presbyterian Academy (Nashville, TN) |
CPA➣Canadian Public Administration (journal; Wiley) |
CPA➣Construction and Planning Agency (various locations) |
CPA➣Construction Products Association (UK) |
CPA➣Channel Port Adapter (Cisco) |
CPA➣Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (UK) |
CPA➣Community Partners in Action (Hartford, CT) |
CPA➣Consolidated Plan of Action (African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology) |
CPA➣Corporate Performance Assessment |
CPA➣Civilian Production Administration |
CPA➣Crop Protection Association (UK) |
CPA➣Comprehensive Plan Amendment |
CPA➣Carolina Performing Arts (Chapel Hill, NC) |
CPA➣Collaboration-Protocol Agreement (Oasis) |
CPA➣Cost per Acquisition |
CPA➣Computer Press Association |
CPA➣Control Panel |
CPA➣Channel Port Adapter |
CPA➣Crashdump Pool Analyzer |
CPA➣Cisco Personal Assistant |
CPA➣Consolidated Payments Architecture |
CPA➣Collaboration Protocol Agreement |
CPA➣Correlation Power Analysis |
CPA➣Credit Protection Association (various locations) |
CPA➣Consumer Protection Agency (Egypt) |
CPA➣Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires (French: Center for Business Training; est. 1929) |
CPA➣Closest Point of Approach |
CPA➣Community Planning Association (various locations) |
CPA➣Continuous Payment Authority (automatic accounts) |
CPA➣Certified Practising Accountant |
CPA➣Chirped Pulse Amplification |
CPA➣Communist Party of Australia |
CPA➣Cessation Progressive d'Activité (French: Gradual Retirement Scheme) |
CPA➣Culture et Politique Arabes (French: Arab Culture and Politics; website) |
CPA➣Communauté d'Agglomération du Pays d'Aix (French urban planning group) |
CPA➣Crime Prevention Act (various locations) |
CPA➣Content Provider Access |
CPA➣Collectif des Plateformes d'Affiliation (French: Collective Affiliate Network) |
CPA➣Combat Poverty Agency |
CPA➣Critical Path Analysis |
CPA➣Classe Préparatoire à l'Apprentissage (French: Pre-Apprenticeship Class) |
CPA➣Centre for Policy on Ageing |
CPA➣Ciment Portland Artificiel (French: Artificial Portland Cement) |
CPA➣Centre for Psychological Astrology |
CPA➣Center for Policy Alternatives |
CPA➣Canadian Peace Alliance |
CPA➣Core Public Administration |
CPA➣Communicating Process Architectures |
CPA➣Cordillera Peoples Alliance (Cordillera, Philippines indigenous peoples organization) |
CPA➣Commission on Preservation and Access |
CPA➣Community Planning Act (various locations) |
CPA➣Coherent Potential Approximation |
CPA➣Construction Plant-Hire Association (UK) |
CPA➣Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association (UK) |
CPA➣CerebelloPontine Angle (tumors) |
CPA➣Canadian Police Association |
CPA➣Corpus Pattern Analysis (computational linguistics) |
CPA➣Community Property Agreement (legal document) |
CPA➣Comprehensive Plan of Action |
CPA➣Coefficient de Polissage Accéléré (French: Accelerated Polishing Coefficient) |
CPA➣Consumer Protection Association (UK) |
CPA➣Call Progress Analysis (also PCPM, Programmable Call Progress Monitor) |
CPA➣Chairman’s Program Assessment (US DoD) |
CPA➣Coherent Perfect Absorber (physics) |
CPA➣Communist Party USA |
CPA➣Canadian Philosophical Association |
CPA➣Comité des Plastiques en Agriculture (French: Plastics in Agriculture Committee) |
CPA➣Christian Police Association (UK) |
CPA➣Commonwealth Ports Authority |
CPA➣Catholic Patriotic Association |
CPA➣Cessna Pilots Association |
CPA➣Cost Plus Award |
CPA➣Customer Profitability Analysis |
CPA➣Countywide Planning Authority (Florida) |
CPA➣Child Placement Agency |
CPA➣Canada Port Authority |
CPA➣Core Program Area (Uganda) |
CPA➣Cell Phone Amplifier (hearing aid) |
CPA➣Called Party Address |
CPA➣Champagne Parc Auto (French auto park) |
CPA➣Canadian Poetry Association |
CPA➣Cleaner Production Assessment (various organizations) |
CPA➣Conditions Particulières d'Autorisation (French: Special Conditions of Authorization) |
CPA➣Circulating Platelet Aggregation |
CPA➣Canadian Pacific Airlines |
CPA➣Chosen-Plaintext Attack |
CPA➣Chief of Public Affairs |
CPA➣Childhood Physical Abuse |
CPA➣California Partnership Academies |
CPA➣Canaveral Port Authority |
CPA➣California Psychiatric Association |
CPA➣Cost and Price Analysis |
CPA➣Connector Position Assurance |
CPA➣Christian People's Alliance |
CPA➣Common Payment Application (smart chip card industry) |
CPA➣Cell Proliferation Assay |
CPA➣Connecticut Psychological Association |
CPA➣Copolymer Alloy |
CPA➣Chartered Patent Attorney |
CPA➣Computing Processes and Artifacts |
CPA➣Chasse-Pêche-Amitié (French: Hunting-Fishing-Friendship; online forum) |
CPA➣Chief Patrol Agent (US Border Patrol) |
CPA➣Canadian Parking Association |
CPA➣Canadian Petroleum Association |
CPA➣Casual Players Alliance (website) |
CPA➣Consumer Protection Act of 1991 |
CPA➣Cakewalk Pro Audio |
CPA➣Center for Photographic Art |
CPA➣Critical Patch Update (Oracle) |
CPA➣Crime Pattern Analysis |
CPA➣Cubic-Plus-Association (equation of state) |
CPA➣Caring People Alliance |
CPA➣Cincinnati Paralegal Association |
CPA➣Center for Profitable Agriculture |
CPA➣Connecticut Pharmacists Association |
CPA➣Carry Propagate Adder |
CPA➣Conseils en Patrimoine et en Assurances (French: Heritage Consulting and Insurance) |
CPA➣Central Planning Area |
CPA➣Caribbean Philosophical Association |
CPA➣Cornish Pasty Association (UK) |
CPA➣Chartered Patent Agent (UK) |
CPA➣Compulsory Purchase Annuity (UK) |
CPA➣Corrective & Preventive Action (quality assurance systems) |
CPA➣Christmas Prepayment Association (UK) |
CPA➣Corrosion Prevention Association (UK) |
CPA➣Calgary Parking Authority |
CPA➣Cost Per Acquisition/Action (internet advertising) |
CPA➣Coalition for Peace Action |
CPA➣Corrugated Packaging Association |
CPA➣Contract Price Adjustment |
CPA➣Canadian Poolplayers Association |
CPA➣Custom Painting Amsterdam (The Netherlands) |
CPA➣Chesapeake Paddlers Association |
CPA➣Charter Performance Agreement (commercial trade) |
CPA➣Carter Partnership Award (various schools) |
CPA➣Chartres Poker Association (France) |
CPA➣Council Performance Assessment (US Girl Scouts) |
CPA➣Car Park Attendant |
CPA➣Content Portal Authority (SurfControl) |
CPA➣Ciencias Psicosociales Aplicadas (Spanish: Applied Psychosocial Sciences) |
CPA➣Cultural Property Advice (UK) |
CPA➣Cold Plasma Analyzer |
CPA➣Centrale du Pneu et des Accessoires (French: Central Tire and Accessories) |
CPA➣Competing Pipers Association |
CPA➣Circuit Processing Apparatus (various companies) |
CPA➣Comment Pending Approval |
CPA➣California Placement Association (California Community College Placement Association) |
CPA➣Cost Performance Analysis |
CPA➣Co-Polar Attenuation |
CPA➣Combined Paging/Access |
CPA➣Charged Particle Analyzer |
CPA➣Chinanteco Palantla (SIL code, Mexico) |
CPA➣Campaign for Public Accountability |
CPA➣Conflict Prevention Associates |
CPA➣Coalition for Public Awareness |
CPA➣Cincinnati Performing Arts (Cincinnati, OH) |
CPA➣Customer-Provided Access |
CPA➣Clinical Pathology Associates (Austin, TX) |
CPA➣Centre for Proteome Analysis |
CPA➣Columbus Progressive Alliance |
CPA➣Community Postal Agent (Australia Post) |
CPA➣Command Processor Assembly |
CPA➣Central Purchasing Authority |
CPA➣Cultural Pluralism and the Arts |
CPA➣Centralized/Bulk Power Architecture |
CPA➣Cyprus Pharmaceutical Association |
CPA➣Consumer Protection Appraisal |
CPA➣Computer Patents Annuities |
CPA➣Customer Product Advisor |
CPA➣Commercial Production Association |
CPA➣Colorado Payphone Association |
CPA➣Corporate Purchase Agreement |
CPA➣Common Programming APIs |
CPA➣Common Process Architecture (software engineering) |
CPA➣Cut and Paste Artist |
CPA➣Computer Program Abstracts (NASA) |
CPA➣Concurrent Photon Amplification |
CPA➣Connecticut Perinatal Association |
CPA➣Constant Pain in the Ass |
CPA➣Coupled-Pair Approximation |
CPA➣Calling Party Answer (ITU-T) |
CPA➣Customer Product Audit |
CPA➣Customer Price Agreement |
CPA➣Comprehensive Peer Assessment |
CPA➣Controller Processing Assembly |
CPA➣Children's Psychology Associates |
CPA➣Canadian Pinzgauer Association |
CPA➣Contiguous Processor Allocation |
CPA➣Contract Property Administrator |
CPA➣Charged-Particle Analysis |
CPA➣Circular Patch Antenna |
CPA➣Communications Planning Aid |
CPA➣Creative Progress Agency (Bulgaria) |
CPA➣Contingency Planning Aid (NASA) |
CPA➣Critical Parametric Analysis |
CPA➣Classification Products By Activity |
CPA➣Computer Products Administration |
CPA➣Cash Purchasing Agent |
CPA➣Coordinated Purchase Agreement |
CPA➣Commander's Personal Attention |
CPA➣Cleaning, Pressing, and Altering |
CPA➣Control Purchasing Authority |
CPA➣Cost Planning & Appraisal |
CPA➣Common Paging and Access |
CPA➣Cost/Personal Accounting |
CPA➣Catholic Parents Association |
CPA➣Circular Probable Area |
CPA➣Cary Photographic Artists (Cary, NC) |
CPA➣Communications Power Assembly |
CPA➣Conventional Patch Antenna |
CPA➣Capability Provisioning Activity (NECC program) |
CPA➣Conversion Pad Assembly (chemical demil plants) |
CPA➣Cargo Preference Act of 1954 |
CPA➣Comprehensive Peace Arrangement |
CPA➣Case Processing Associate |