Borovkov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich
Borovkov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich
Born Mar. 16 (29), 1904, in Tashkent; died Nov. 12, 1962, in Leningrad. Soviet Turcologist; corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Uzbek SSR (1943); corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1958).
Borovkov graduated from the Oriental department of the Middle Asian University in 1928. He was the author of works on the grammar, history, dialects, and lexicography of the Uzbek language. He devoted special attention to the lexicographical traditions in the dictionaries of the Chagatai language. His edition of the dictionaries Bädä’i’äl-lugät of Tali Imani of Gerat (1961) and of the Lexicon of the Middle Asian Tefsir of the 12 th and 13 th Centuries (1963) paved the way for the production of a basic Old Uzbek dictionary. He was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Badge of Honor.
“O chastiakh rechi v iazykakh tiurkskoi sistemy.” In the collectionRevoliutsiia i pismennost’, no. 2. Moscow, 1936.
Uzbekskii literaturnyi iazyk v period 1905–1917 gg. Tashkent, 1940.
“Ocherki istorii Uzbekskogo iazyka,” [I]—11. In the collection Sovetskoe vostokovedenie [vols.] 5–6. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948–1949. [Continuation] Uch. zap. ln-ta vostokovedeniia, vol. 16. Moscow-Leningrad, 1958.
“Tadzhiko-Uzbekskoe dvuiazychie i vopros o vzaimovliianii tad-zhikskogo i uzbekskogo iasykov.” Uch. zap. ln-ta vostokovedeniia, vol. 4. Moscow. 1952.