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FadsSee also manias. dandyismexcessive concern with matters of dress; foppishness. — dandy, n.energumena wild enthusiast; a faddist. See also demons.faddisman inclination for adopting fads. — faddishness, faddist, n. — faddish, adj.maniaa manifestation of intense enthusiasm for something; craze or fad, as musicomania.Fads
FadsBarbie dollpopular dress-up doll; extremely conventional and feminine. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 179]Beatle cuthairstyle with bangs, sides trimmed just below ears; banned by many school boards (1960s). [Am Hist.: Sann, 251–254]bee-stung lipsruby red and puckered female mouth make-up (1920s). [Am. Hist.: Griffith, 198]bobbed hairshort, curly boyish hairstyle caused shock (1920s). [Am. Hist.: Griffith, 198]bobby socksfemale short socks that epitomized 1940s teen fashion. [Am. Cult.: Misc.]car-stuffingone example: 23 people stuffed in a Volkswagen bug. (1950s—1960s). [Am. Hist.: Sann, 300]chain lettersat height in 1930s, craze crippled postal service. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 97–104]coonskin capsraccoon cap with tail worn in recognition of Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone revival (1950s). [Am. Hist.: Sann, 30]flagpole sittingsitting alone at the top of a flagpole; craze comes and goes. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 39–46]frisbeestossing plastic disks was favorite pastime, especially among collegians (1970s). [Am. Hist.: Sann, 178]gold fish-swallowingcollegiate craze in 1930s. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 289–292]hip-flaskliquor bottle designed to fit into back pockets; indispensable commodity during Prohibition. [Am. Hist.: Allen, 70]hula hoopslarge plastic hoops revolved around body by hip action (1950s). [Am. Hist.: Sann, 145–149]Kewpie dolldesigned by Rose O’Neill and modeled on her baby brother; millions were made (starting about 1910). [Am. Hist.: WB, 5: 240–241]marathon dancingdance contests, the longest of which lasted 24 weeks and 5 days (1930s). [Am. Hist.: McWhirter, 461]marathon eatingcontestants consume ridiculous quantities of food; craze comes and goes. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 77–78]miniskirtskirts hemmed at mid-thigh or higher; heyday of the leg in fashion world (1960s). [Am. Hist.: Sann, 255–263]mud bathswarm mud applied on skin supposedly to retain fresh, young complexion (1940s). [Am. Hist.: Griffith, 198]panty raidscollegiate craze in the 1940s and 1950s. [Am. Hist.: Misc.]raccoon coatspopular attire for collegians (1920s). [Am. Hist.: Sann, 175]rolled stockingsworn by flappers to achieve risque effect (1920s). [Am. Hist.: Griffith, 198]saddle shoesan oxford, usually white, with a saddle of contrasting color, usually brown; a favorite fad of the 1940s and 1950s. [Am. Pop. Culture: Misc.]Silly Puttysynthetic clay; uses ranging from bouncing balls to false mustaches. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 165]skateboardsmini surfboard supported on roller-skate wheels; 1960s craze enjoyed renaissance. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 151–152]telephone booth-stuffingbodies piled on top of one another inside a telephone booth; 1950s and 1960s craze. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 297]tulipomaniatulip craze in Holland during which fortunes were lost. [Eur. Hist.: WB, 19: 394]yo-yochild’s toy that periodically overwhelms public’s fancy. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 173]zoot suitsbizarre outfits with the “reet pleats” (1940s). [Am. Hist.: Sann, 275]MedicalSeeFADFADS
Acronym | Definition |
FADS➣Fédération Algérienne des Donneurs de Sang (French: Algerian Federation of Blood Donors; Algéria) | FADS➣Fetal Akinesia Deformation Sequence | FADS➣Familiares y Amigos en Contra de la Delincuencia y el Secuestro | FADS➣Force Administration Data System | FADS➣Fixed Asset Disposal Selection (Kentucky) | FADS➣Fly Away Diving System | FADS➣Financial Accounting Data Sheet | FADS➣Flush Air Data Sensing System (aircraft) | FADS➣Florida Association of District School Superintendents | FADS➣FMS Automated Data System | FADS➣Finesse Academy of Dancesport (Hanover, MA) | ThesaurusSeefad |