

单词 carlos



S0080700 (kär′ləs, -lōs), Don Count of Molina. 1788-1855. Spanish infante who, upon the accession of his niece Isabella II, waged an unsuccessful civil war (1833-1839) to claim the throne for himself, asserting the primacy of the ancient Salic law that barred women from the succession.


(ˈkɑːlɒs) n (Biography) Don. full name Carlos María Isidro de Borbón. 1788–1855, second son of Charles IV: pretender to the Spanish throne and leader of the Carlists
Noun1.Carlos - Venezuelan master terrorist raised by a Marxist-Leninist father; trained and worked with many terrorist groups (born in 1949)Andres Martinez, Carlos the Jackal, Glen Gebhard, Hector Hevodidbon, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, Ilich Sanchez, Michael Assat, Salim, Sanchez, Taurusact of terrorism, terrorism, terrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear



For Spanish and Portuguese kings thus named, use Charles.


1545–68, prince of the Asturias, son of Philip II of Spain and Maria of Portugal. Don Carlos, who seems to have been mentally unbalanced and subject to fits of homicidal mania, was imprisoned by his father in 1568. When he died shortly afterward, it was rumored (falsely) that Philip had poisoned him. Friedrich von Schiller deliberately idealized his character in his tragedy Don Carlos, portraying him as a champion of liberalism, unhappily in love with his stepmother, Elizabeth of ValoisElizabeth of Valois
, 1545–68, queen of Spain, daughter of Henry II of France. Originally intended to wed Don Carlos, son of Philip II of Spain, she was married (1559) to Philip himself.
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(Carlos María Isidro de Borbón), 1788–1855, second son of Charles IV of Spain. He was the first Carlist pretender. After his father's abdication (1808) he was, with the rest of his family, held a prisoner in France until 1814. A conservative and a devout Catholic, he was supported by the clerical party when he refused to recognize Isabella, daughter of his brother, Ferdinand VIIFerdinand VII,
1784–1833, king of Spain (1808–33), son of Charles IV and María Luisa. Excluded from a role in the government, he became the center of intrigues against the chief minister Godoy and attempted to win the support of Napoleon I.
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, as successor to the Spanish throne. When his niece became queen (1833) as Isabella IIIsabella II,
1830–1904, queen of Spain (1833–68), daughter of Ferdinand VII and of Maria Christina. Her uncle, Don Carlos, contested her succession under the Salic law, and thus the Carlist Wars began (see Carlists).
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, Don Carlos took up arms. Defeated in 1839, he escaped to France and renounced his claim in favor of his son, Don Carlos, conde de Montemolín. See CarlistsCarlists,
partisans of Don Carlos (1788–1855) and his successors, who claimed the Spanish throne under the Salic law of succession, introduced (1713) by Philip V. The law (forced on Philip by the War of the Spanish Succession to avoid a union of the French and Spanish
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Don. full name Carlos María Isidro de Borbón. 1788--1855, second son of Charles IV: pretender to the Spanish throne and leader of the Carlists.


CARLOSComputer Aided Real Language Orthographic System


  • noun

Synonyms for Carlos

noun Venezuelan master terrorist raised by a Marxist-Leninist father


  • Andres Martinez
  • Carlos the Jackal
  • Glen Gebhard
  • Hector Hevodidbon
  • Ilich Ramirez Sanchez
  • Ilich Sanchez
  • Michael Assat
  • Salim
  • Sanchez
  • Taurus

Related Words

  • act of terrorism
  • terrorism
  • terrorist act




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