释义 |
Borst-Jadassohn type intraepidermal epithelioma Borst-Ja·das·sohn type in·tra·ep·i·der·mal ep·i·the·li·o·ma (bōrst yah'dah-sōn), precancerous lesions clinically suggestive of actinic or seborrheic keratosis, with nests of immature or abnormal keratinocytes within the epidermis.Borst, Maximilian, German pathologist, 1869-1946. Borst-Jadassohn type intraepidermal epithelioma - precancerous lesions clinically suggestive of actinic or seborrheic keratosis, with nest of immature or abnormal keratinocytes within the epidermis.
Jadassohn, Josef, German dermatologist in Switzerland, 1863-1936. Borst-Jadassohn type intraepidermal epithelioma - see under BorstFranceschetti-Jadassohn syndrome - Synonym(s): Naegeli syndromeJadassohn nervus - congenital papillary acanthosis of the epidermis, with hyperplasia of sebaceous glands developing at puberty and presence of apocrine glands in nonapocrine areas of the skin. Synonym(s): nevus sebaceusJadassohn-Lewandowski syndrome - ectodermal dysplasia of abnormal thickness and elevation of nail plates with palmar and plantar hyperkeratosis. Synonym(s): pachyonychia congenitaJadassohn-Pellizzari anetoderma - cutaneous atrophy preceded by erythematous or urticarial lesions of the trunk and upper portions of the extremities.Jadassohn-Tièche nevus - a dark blue or blue-black nevus covered by smooth skin and formed by heavily pigmented spindle-shaped or dendritic melanocytes in the reticular dermis. Synonym(s): blue nevus |