

单词 compact disc recordable

compact disc recordable

compact disc recordable

n (Computer Science) the full name for CD-R
Noun1.compact disc recordable - a compact disc on which you can write only once and thereafter is read-only memoryCD-R, CD-WO, compact disc write-oncecompact disc, compact disk, CD - a digitally encoded recording on an optical disk that is smaller than a phonograph record; played back by a laser

Compact Disc Recordable

Compact Disc Recordable

(storage)(CD-R) A write-once version of CD-ROM. CD-Rs canhold about 650 megabytes of data. They are very durable andcan be read by normal CD-ROM drives, but once data has beenwritten it cannot be altered.

Standard prerecorded CDs have their information permanentlystamped into an aluminium reflecting layer. CD-R discs have adye-based recording layer and an additional golden reflectinglayer.

Digital information is written to the disc by burning(forming) pits in the recording layer in a patterncorresponding to that of a conventional CD.

The laser beam heats the substrate and recording layer toapproximately 250 C. The recording layer melts and thesubstrate expands into the space that becomes available.

Phillips: New Technologies.

See also CD-RW and DVD-RAM.
AcronymsSeecrude death rate

compact disc recordable

  • noun

Synonyms for compact disc recordable

noun a compact disc on which you can write only once and thereafter is read-only memory


  • CD-R
  • CD-WO
  • compact disc write-once

Related Words

  • compact disc
  • compact disk
  • CD




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