

单词 cpi



abbr. consumer price index


abbr. characters per inch


abbreviation for (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) characters per inch


abbreviation for (Economics) consumer price index


consumer price index.
Noun1.CPI - an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumerconsumer price index, cost-of-living indexprice index, price level - an index that traces the relative changes in the price of an individual good (or a market basket of goods) over time
2.CPI - a self-report personality inventory originally derived from the MMPI; consists of several hundred yes-no questions and yields scores on a number of scales including dominance and self acceptance and self control and socialization and achievement etc.California Personality Inventoryself-report inventory, self-report personality inventory - a personality inventory in which a person is asked which of a list of traits and characteristics describe her or him or to indicate which behaviors and hypothetical choices he or she would make




Common Program Interface


(1) See continuous process improvement.

(2) (Characters Per Inch) The measurement of the density of characters per inch on tape or paper. A printer's CPI button switches character pitch.

(3) (Counts Per Inch) The measurement of the resolution of a mouse/trackball as flywheel notches per inch (horizontal and vertical flywheels rotate as the ball is moved). Notches are converted to cursor movement.

(4) (Common Programming Interface) See SAA and CPI-C.
LegalSeeConsumer Price Index



A measure of inflation. See: Consumer Price Index.

Consumer Price Index

A measure of inflation in the United States that considers what people spend on staple goods and services. It is calculated by taking the average of changes in price to a basket of goods and services compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor. The goods and services in the basket are weighted according to their perceived importance. The CPI is considered a primary tool in determining how people are experiencing inflation.


See consumer price index.

Consumer price index (CPI).

The consumer price index (CPI) is compiled monthly by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and is a gauge of inflation that measures changes in the prices of basic goods and services.

Some of the things it tracks are housing, food, clothing, transportation, medical care, and education.

The CPI is used as a benchmark for making adjustments in Social Security payments, wages, pensions, and tax brackets to keep them in tune with the buying power of the dollar. It's often incorrectly referred to as the cost-of-living index.


See consumer price index.


CPIConsumer Price Index
CPICharacters Per Inch
CPIContinuous Process Improvement
CPICalling Party Identification
CPICost Per Inquire/Inquiry (advertising)
CPICommunist Party of India (political party)
CPICrisis Prevention and Intervention
CPICorte Penal Internacional (Spanish: International Criminal Court; Netherlands)
CPICode de la Propriété Intellectuelle (French: Intellectual Property Code)
CPICorruption Perceptions Index (US trade)
CPICommunications Power Industries (formerly Varian)
CPIComissao Parlamentar de Inquerito (Brazil)
CPICommunication Products, Inc. (Indianapolis, IN)
CPICrisis Prevention Institute
CPICreative Publishing International (Minnesota)
CPICost Performance Index
CPIClasse Préparatoire Intégrée (French: Integrated Preparatory Class)
CPICrop Production Index
CPICalifornia Psychological Inventory (est. 1956)
CPICentre de Perfectionnement Interprofessionnel (French: Interprofessional Development Center; Switzerland)
CPICenter for Public Integrity
CPIConan Properties International (Beverly Hills, CA)
CPICycles Per Instruction
CPICertificat Provisoire d'Immatriculation (French: Provisional Certificate of Registration)
CPICentrum Promocji Informatyki (Polish: Center for Informatics)
CPICulture of Peace Initiative (UN)
CPICzech Property Investments (real estate; various locations)
CPICentral Port Injection (fuel injection)
CPICooperative Producers, Inc. (Hastings, NE)
CPIColumbia Pictures Industries (film production)
CPIChina Policy Institute (UK)
CPICommercial Property Investments
CPIColorado Preservation, Inc. (Denver, CO)
CPICount per Inch
CPIComputer to Pbx Interface
CPICommunication Programming Interface
CPIChannel Path Images
CPIComputer Peripherals Inc.
CPICentral Port Injection
CPICompare Immediate
CPICode Page Information
CPICost per Interaction
CPICisco Product Identification
CPICost per Impression
CPICapabilities and Preferences Information
CPIControl Program Interface
CPIColorlab Processed Image
CPICompare and Increment
CPIClocks per Instruction
CPICurioso Pero Inutil (Spanish: Curious but Futile; blog)
CPICorn Products International (various locations)
CPICredit Protection Insurance (various companies)
CPICommon Programming Interface
CPIChemical Process Industries
CPICisco Product Identification (software)
CPICréation d'un Produit Innovant (French: Creation of an Innovative Product)
CPICompetition Policy Implementation (working group)
CPICritical Path Initiative (various organizations)
CPICost Per Impression (advertising)
CPICommittee on Public Information
CPICreative Pultrusions, Inc. (Alum Bank, PA)
CPICommon Part Indicator
CPICentro de Promoção de Investimentos (Investment Promotion Centre, Mozambique)
CPICollateral Protection Insurance
CPIControl Products, Inc. (East Hanover, NJ)
CPICouncil of Principal Investigators (various organizations)
CPICriminal Procedure and Investigations (law; UK)
CPICode Page Information (File Name Extension)
CPICritical Program Information (US DoD)
CPIConsistent Presentation of Images (medical products)
CPICenter for Productivity Improvement (various organizations)
CPICivilian Police International
CPICounterpart International
CPIClock Per Instruction
CPICanadian Petroleum Industry (sector)
CPICommunity Policing Initiative (various locations)
CPIClinical Process Improvement (various organizations)
CPICritical Path Institute (Arizona and Maryland)
CPICloud Particle Imager
CPIConsumer Protection Initiative (various locations)
CPIChoeur Philharmonique International (French: International Philharmonic Choir)
CPICanada Pork International
CPICertified Pilates Instructor
CPIContinual Process Improvement
CPICommercial Properties, Inc (Portland, ME)
CPIContinuous Public Involvement (various organizations)
CPICitigroup Property Investors
CPIChurch Planting Initiative (UK)
CPICentre de Plongée d'Illkirch (French diving center)
CPIChild Protective Investigator
CPICertified Postsecondary Instructor (National Center for Competency Testing)
CPIChile Pepper Institute (New Mexico State University)
CPICommercial Photographers International (Atlanta, GA)
CPICombined Paternity Index
CPICoating Place, Inc. (Verona, WI)
CPIConsumer Policy Institute (Yonkers, New York)
CPICorrugated Plate Interceptor (oil production & treatment)
CPICommunity Philanthropy Initiative
CPICollege Preparatory, Inc.
CPICore Price Inflation (measure of inflation)
CPICentral Pennsylvania Institute of Science and Technology (Pleasant Gap, Pennsylvania)
CPIChurch Publishing Incorporated
CPICritical Performance Indicator
CPICompetition Policy Institute
CPICoherent Processing Interval
CPICollege Partnership, Inc.
CPICrash Position Indicator
CPIChemical Patents Index
CPICost Per Interview (market research)
CPIContinental Pole of Inaccessibility (furthest point from the sea)
CPICertified Property Inspector
CPIComputer-to-PBX Interface
CPICross-Pole Interference (digital communications)
CPICours Pénale Internationale (French: International Criminal Court)
CPICrop Protection Institute (Canada)
CPICertified Professional Instructor (National Instruments Corporation)
CPICommunity Progress Initiative (various locations)
CPIChronic Public Inebriate
CPICoastal Plains Institute (Florida, USA)
CPICaldecott Productions International (Singapore)
CPICoordinamento Professori Idonei (Italian: Appropriate Coordination Professors)
CPIComparable Performance Indicators
CPICleft Palate Isolated
CPICapacity, Philanthropy and Interest (fundraising)
CPICounter-Proliferation Initiative
CPIContinuous Product Innovation
CPIContinuity Programs, Inc. (Walled Lake, MI)
CPIChip Package Interaction
CPICooperative Preschool Inventory
CPICertified Professional Installer
CPICouch Potato Index
CPIChina Philatelic Information (Chinese stamp authority)
CPIComputer-Processed Interpretation
CPICar Position Indicator (elevators)
CPICross Pointer Indicator (NASA)
CPICommon Physical Interface
CPICatalytic Products International, Inc. (Echo Lake, Illinois)
CPIChemical and Petroleum Industry
CPICommand Performance Inspection (US Navy)
CPICommon Process Integration
CPICivilian Personnel Instructions
CPICommunications Processor and Interface
CPIContractor Preliminary Inspection
CPIColectric Partners, Inc.
CPIConstruction Pollution Index
CPICongo Peace Initiative (South Africa)
CPICommence Primary Ignition (Star Wars)
CPICertified Plumbing Inspector
CPICathodyne Phase Inverter
CPIColibria Philippines, Inc.
CPICost Plus Incentives (contract)
CPICenter for Public Initiatives (University of Scranton)
CPICross Program Integration
CPICivilian Personnel Integration
CPIConditional Priority Inheritance
CPICommand Performance Indicator
CPIClient Program Interface (computing)
CPICompany Provided Item
CPICreative Presentations Incorporated
CPIComprehensive Package Integration
CPICompliance Program Implementation
CPIConcrete Pipe Institute (Vienna, VA)
CPIClutch Pressure Indicator
CPIContractor Performance Inspection
CPICustomer Provided Items
CPICurrent Precipitation Index (rainfall measure)
CPICustom Patient Instrumentation (orthopaedic industry)
CPIConsolidated Pipeline Inc.


  • noun

Synonyms for CPI

noun an index of the cost of all goods and services to a typical consumer


  • consumer price index
  • cost-of-living index

Related Words

  • price index
  • price level

noun a self-report personality inventory originally derived from the MMPI


  • California Personality Inventory

Related Words

  • self-report inventory
  • self-report personality inventory




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