CPIPCarrier Pigeon Internet Protocol
CPIPConstruction Put-in-Place
CPIPClub Penguin Improvement Project
CPIPCulture and Process Improvement Program (US Air Force)
CPIPComprehensive Permanent Improvement Plan
CPIPClinical Psychology Internship Program (various organizations)
CPIPCertified Pharmaceutical Industry Professional
CPIPComprehensive Port Improvement Plan (for the Port of New York and New Jersey)
CPIPCenter for Public Interest Polling
CPIPCovenant Presbyterian Insurance Program
CPIPChemical Physics Interdisciplinary Program
CPIPCertified Program Integrity Professional (various locations)
CPIPCommon Prefrontier Intelligence Picture
CPIPCampus Pipeline Integration Protocol
CPIPCapital Public Information Platform
CPIPCall Priority Interruption Protection
CPIPCanadian Poultry Inspection Program
CPIPChronic Pulmonary Insufficiency of Prematurity (neonatology)
CPIPCattle Price Insurance Program (Canada)
CPIPColegio Público de Infantil y Primaria
CPIPClinical Practice Improvement Payment (Queensland, Australia)
CPIPComisión de Pesca del Indo-Pacífico
CPIPCenter for Photon Induced Processes and Laser Studies
CPIPCovington Partners In Prevention
CPIPCooperative Propulsion Integration Program
CPIPCommercial Property Improvement Program
CPIPContinuing Performance Improvement Program
CPIPCommunity Planning and Investments Program
CPIPCertified Product Innovation Professional (The Spark Engine)