Erau Festival

Erau Festival

SeptemberThis Indonesian festival takes place in Tenggarong, in the province of East Kalimantan on the island of Borneo. Some of the most isolated people in the world live in the surrounding area, where the dense jungle has made contact among neighboring villages difficult and where, until recently, raiding parties were common.
Today the Erau Festival is celebrated for as long as a week around September 24, the anniversary of the city's founding, though many of the ceremonies performed during the festival go back much further. The festival opens with special blessing and purification ceremonies, followed by musical and dance performances, art exhibits, and more traditional Dayak ceremonies.
Data and Information Centre, Indonesian Culture & Tourism Board
Sapta Pesona Bldg., 21st Fl.
Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat 17
Jakarta, 10110 Indonesia
62-21-3838717; fax: 62-21-3452006
WildPlanet-1995, p. 359