Detskaia Literatura

Detskaia Literatura


(Children’s Literature). (1) A monthly journal of literary criticism and bibliography, devoted to questions of the history, theory, and criticism of literature and art for children and to problems of organizing children’s reading. Detskaia literatura has been published since January 1966 in Moscow. An organ of the writers’ unions of the USSR and RSFSR and of the press committees of the councils of ministers of the USSR and RSFSR, the journal is meant for specialists in the field of children’s literature and for directors of children’s reading programs. Its regular headings and sections are current events, criticism and theory, the history of children’s literature and journalism, children’s literature of the peoples of the USSR, foreign children’s literature, and the artistic composition of children’s books. The section “For the Teacher’s Library” is designed to aid elementary school teachers, and for parents there is “The Parents’ University.” In 1971 the circulation was 80,000.

(2) A bulletin printed by the Critical-Bibliographic Institute from 1932 to 1935. Between 1933 and 1934 its title was Detskaia i iunosheskaia literatura (Children’s and Teen-age Literature), and from 1935 it was called Detskaia literatura. From 1936 to 1941 it was issued as a literary, critical, and bibliographical journal and an organ of the Central Committee of the Ail-Union Lenin Communist Youth League (VLKSM).