

 [kahr″no-sĭ-ne´me-ah] excessive amounts of carnosine in the blood; it has been associated with a progressive neurologic disease characterized by severe mental defect and myoclonic seizures, and is probably due to a genetic deficiency of carnosinase in the serum.


(kar'nō-si-nē'mē-ă), [MIM*212200] An autosomal recessive congenital disease, characterized by the presence of excess amounts of carnosine in the blood and urine and caused by a genetic deficiency of the enzyme carnosinase. Clinically characterized by progressive neurologic damage, severe mental retardation, and myoclonic seizures. [carnosine + G. haima, blood + -ia]

carnosinase deficiency

An autosomal recessive condition characterised by severe psychomotor retardation, myotonic and grand mal seizures.
Low-protein diet.


(kahr'nō-si-nē'mē-ă) [MIM*212200] Congenital disease, characterized by excess carnosine in the blood and urine and caused by a genetic deficiency of the enzyme carnosinase. [carnosine + G. haima, blood + -ia]