释义 |
Caro n 1. (Biography) Sir Antony. 1924–2013, British sculptor, best known for his abstract steel sculptures 2. (Biography) Joseph (ben Ephraim) 1488–1575, Jewish legal scholar and mystic, born in Spain; compiler of the Shulhan Arukh (1564–65), the most authoritative Jewish legal code Caro
Caro1. Sir Antony. born 1924, British sculptor, best known for his abstract steel sculptures 2. Joseph (ben Ephraim) 1488--1575, Jewish legal scholar and mystic, born in Spain; compiler of the Shulhan Arukh (1564--65), the most authoritative Jewish legal code. Caroloathsome hag; personification of fleshly lust. [Br. Lit.: The Purple Island, Brewer Handbook, 180]See: Lustcaro
ca·ro, gen. car·nis, pl. car·nes (kā'rō, kar'nis, -nes), The fleshy parts of the body; muscular and fatty tissues. [L.] LegalSeeCareCARO
Acronym | Definition |
CARO➣Computer Antivirus Research Organization | CARO➣Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologists | CARO➣Computer Anti-Virus Researchers' Organization | CARO➣Common Anatomy Reference Ontology (biology) | CARO➣Club Auto Rétro de l'Ourcq (French automobile club) | CARO➣Canadian Artists' Representation Ontario (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) | CARO➣Central Army Records Office (Australia) | CARO➣Companies Auditors Report Order | ThesaurusSeecare |