Botallo duct

duc·tus ar·te·ri·o·sus

a fetal vessel connecting the left pulmonary artery with the descending aorta; in the first 2 months after birth, it normally changes into a fibrous cord, the ligamentum arteriosum; persistent postnatal patentcy is a correctable cardiovascular handicap. Synonym(s): arterial canal, arterial duct, Botallo duct

duc·tus ar·te·ri·o·sus

(dŭk'tŭs ahr-tē-rē-ō'sŭs) A fetal vessel connecting the left pulmonary artery with the descending aorta; in the first 2 months after birth, it normally changes into a fibrous cord called the ligamentum arteriosum; occasional postnatal failure to close causes a surgically correctable cardiovascular handicap.
Synonym(s): arterial canal, arterial duct, Botallo duct.

Botallo duct

(bo-tal'o) [Leonardo Botallo, Italian anatomist, 1530–1600] Ductus arteriosus.


Leonardo, Italian physician in Paris, 1530-1600. Botallo duct - a fetal vessel connecting the left pulmonary artery with the descending aorta. Synonym(s): ductus arteriosusBotallo foramen - the orifice of communication between the two atria of the fetal heart.Botallo ligament - the remains of the ductus arteriosus. Synonym(s): ligamentum arteriosum