Botallo foramen

Bo·tal·lo fo·ra·men

(bō-tah'lō), the orifice of communication between the two atria of the fetal heart.
See also: foramen ovale.

fo·ra·men o·va·le

, oval foramen (fōr-ā'mĕn ō-vā'lē, ō'văl) [TA] 1. The oval opening in the septum secundum in the embryonic and fetal heart; the persistent part of the septum primum acts as a valve for this interatrial communication during fetal life and normally postnatally becomes fused to the septum secundum to close it. 2. [TA] A large oval opening in the base of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, transmitting the mandibular nerve and a small meningeal artery;
Synonym(s): Botallo foramen.


Leonardo, Italian physician in Paris, 1530-1600. Botallo duct - a fetal vessel connecting the left pulmonary artery with the descending aorta. Synonym(s): ductus arteriosusBotallo foramen - the orifice of communication between the two atria of the fetal heart.Botallo ligament - the remains of the ductus arteriosus. Synonym(s): ligamentum arteriosum