Botanical Maps
Botanical Maps
maps that depict the composition and peculiarities of the geographical distribution of flora, vegetation, or plant resources.
Botanical maps are subdivided into maps of the plant cover, or geobotanical maps, and floristic maps that characterize the composition, distribution, and origin of flora. Floristic maps depict the natural habitats of plant species, genera, and families and their groups (with a contour line or, in the case of species, with dots that mark the individual locations), or they divide a territory into districts by flora. Floristic maps may describe both contemporary flora and the flora of various geological periods.
Maps of plant habitats that are typical for various flora or types of vegetation, endemic species, relicts, useful plants and others are included in many multipurpose atlases both in the USSR and abroad. Maps of the floristic regions of the earth are included in world atlases, and separate maps of more limited territories are included in multipurpose regional atlases (The Atlas of Finland, 1960; The Atlas of Antarctica, 1966; and The Atlas of Poland, 1953–56).