释义 |
Bo·tha B0410925 (bō′tə, -tä′), Louis 1862-1919. South African general in the Boer War (1899-1902) and first prime minister of the Union of South Africa (1910-1919).
Botha, Pieter Willem 1916-2006. South African prime minister (1978-1989) who defended and upheld apartheid despite international protest.Botha (ˈbəʊtə) n1. (Biography) Louis. 1862–1919, South African statesman and general; first prime minister of the Union of South Africa (1910–19)2. (Biography) P(ieter) W(illem). 1916–2006, South African politician; defence minister (1965–78); prime minister (1978–84); state president (1984–89)Bo•tha (ˈboʊ tə) n. Louis, 1862–1919, South African statesman. BothaenUK
Botha1. Louis. 1862--1919, South African statesman and general; first prime minister of the Union of South Africa (1910--19) 2. P(ieter) W(illem). born 1916, South African politician; defence minister (1965--78); prime minister (1978--84); state president (1984--89) |