Acronym | Definition |
CPR➣Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation |
CPR➣Canadian Pacific Railway |
CPR➣Colorado Public Radio |
CPR➣Cell Phone Repair (various locations) |
CPR➣Copper (plumbing drawings) |
CPR➣Civil Procedure Rules (rules governing civil litigation procedure; UK) |
CPR➣Chopper |
CPR➣Communications and Public Relations (Australia) |
CPR➣Chronic Pain Relief |
CPR➣Center for Policy Research |
CPR➣Committee on Public Relations (various organizations) |
CPR➣Centre for Performance Research (UK) |
CPR➣Circle of Power and Respect |
CPR➣Center for Progressive Reform (Washington, DC) |
CPR➣Clinical Prediction Rule (medical research study) |
CPR➣International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (Boulder, CO) |
CPR➣Capital Public Radio (California) |
CPR➣Contingency Planning Research (various companies) |
CPR➣'Copter |
CPR➣Center for Professional Responsibility (American Bar Association) |
CPR➣Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation |
CPR➣Det Centrale Personregister (Danish government databases) |
CPR➣Centrum Powiadamiania Ratunkowego (Polish: Emergency Notification Center) |
CPR➣Center for Population Research (US NIH) |
CPR➣Coordinated Program Review (Massachusetts) |
CPR➣Computerized Patient Record |
CPR➣Comparative Performance Report |
CPR➣Critical Problem Report |
CPR➣Compression |
CPR➣Cpu Parameter Recall |
CPR➣Central Processor Recovery |
CPR➣Compare Reads |
CPR➣Computer-based Patient Record |
CPR➣Constitución Pólitica de la República de Chile (Spanish: Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile; Chile) |
CPR➣Contract Procedure Rules (various locations) |
CPR➣Contraceptive Prevalence Rate |
CPR➣Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation (various locations) |
CPR➣Constant Prepayment Rate (finance) |
CPR➣Cycles per Revolution |
CPR➣Car Porn Racing (Manila, Philippines) |
CPR➣Centre Pédagogique Régional (French: Regional Education Center; Morocco) |
CPR➣Conseil Privé de la Reine (French: Queen of the Privy Council; Canada) |
CPR➣Centre Parisien de Recyclage (French: Parisian Recycling Center; Paris, France) |
CPR➣Committee of Permanent Representatives |
CPR➣Common-Pool Resource |
CPR➣California Performance Review |
CPR➣Cloud Profiling Radar |
CPR➣Center for Public Resources |
CPR➣Calibrated Peer Review |
CPR➣Commonwealth of Puerto Rico |
CPR➣Chart Pattern Recognition (software) |
CPR➣Crowne Plaza Resort (South Carolina) |
CPR➣Continuous Plankton Recorder |
CPR➣Critique of Pure Reason |
CPR➣Company Profile Report (various locations) |
CPR➣Computer Personnel Research |
CPR➣Coalition to Promote Research (public health) |
CPR➣Child Protection Registry (Utah) |
CPR➣Contract Performance Report |
CPR➣Contemporary Poetry Review |
CPR➣Common Property Resource |
CPR➣Cytochrome P450 Reductase |
CPR➣Canine Pet Rescue (Georgia) |
CPR➣Conditional Prepayment Rate |
CPR➣Californians for Pesticide Reform |
CPR➣Cathodic Protection Rectifier (electrical equipment) |
CPR➣Center for Psychotherapy Research (University of Pennsylvania) |
CPR➣Chairman’s Program Recommendation (US DoD) |
CPR➣Commonwealth Procurement Rules (Australia) |
CPR➣Coalition for Patients' Rights |
CPR➣Controlled Pressure Relief (gastight ring) |
CPR➣Calibrated Preemptive Response (riot control) |
CPR➣Checkpoint/Restart |
CPR➣Current Periodicals |
CPR➣Center for Paralysis Research |
CPR➣Conseiller Pédagogique Régional (French: Regional Educational Adviser) |
CPR➣Conseil Protestant du Rwanda (French: Protestant Council of Rwanda) |
CPR➣Competent Persons Report |
CPR➣Child Placement Review (New Jersey) |
CPR➣Congrès pour la République (French; Tunisia) |
CPR➣Crosby, Pevar & Raymond (band) |
CPR➣Concerns, Priorities and Resources (needs assessment) |
CPR➣Citywide Performance Reporting (New York) |
CPR➣Camborne-Pool-Redruth (Cornwall, UK conurbation) |
CPR➣Cook Political Report |
CPR➣Continuing Property Records |
CPR➣Customary, Prevailing, and Reasonable |
CPR➣Center for Progressive Regulation |
CPR➣Crack Propagation Resistance (materials) |
CPR➣Center for Pharmacoeconomic Research (University of Illinois at Chicago) |
CPR➣Center for Preventing Roads |
CPR➣Catch Photograph Release (fishing) |
CPR➣Community Patent Review (intellectual property) |
CPR➣Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 |
CPR➣Coalition for Palestinian Rights (Minnesota) |
CPR➣Club de Patinage à Roulettes (French: Roller Skating Club) |
CPR➣Cornerstone Professional Services (various locations) |
CPR➣Club des Patineurs de Roubaix (French: Roubaix Skaters Club; Roubaix, France) |
CPR➣Coalition for Property Rights (Orlando, FL) |
CPR➣Computer Physics Reports (Elsevier publication) |
CPR➣Ceiling Pot Rack |
CPR➣Construction Products Regulation (EU) |
CPR➣Cornelius Pass Roadhouse (Oregon) |
CPR➣Controlled Products Regulation |
CPR➣Common Program Requirement (various organizations) |
CPR➣Civil Partnership Registration (relationship status) |
CPR➣Contractor Performance Report |
CPR➣Coalition for Patient Rights |
CPR➣Complete Property Rejuvenation (Australia) |
CPR➣Communication Processor |
CPR➣Computer Patient Record |
CPR➣Customer Profit Reinforcement (various companies) |
CPR➣Croatian Party of Rights |
CPR➣CAC (Common Access Card) PIN (Personal Identification Number) Reset (US DoD) |
CPR➣Commander, Amphibious Squadron |
CPR➣Canadian Patent Reporter |
CPR➣Controlled Pattern Release |
CPR➣Courtesy, Professionalism, Respect (NYPD Motto) |
CPR➣Critical Power Ratio |
CPR➣Critical Path Reduction |
CPR➣Chemicals Policy Review (European Chemical Industry Council) |
CPR➣Complete Patient Record |
CPR➣Chauffage-Plomberie-Régulation (French: Plumbing-Heating-Regulation) |
CPR➣Continuous Product Replenishment (logistics) |
CPR➣Construction Programs and Results |
CPR➣Community Public Radio |
CPR➣Current Population Report |
CPR➣Christian Pirate Radio |
CPR➣National Center for Policy Research for Women and Families |
CPR➣Consumer Protection Regulation (various locations) |
CPR➣Critical Problem Report (NASA) |
CPR➣Call Processing Record (Telcordia) |
CPR➣Coalition for Parole Restoration |
CPR➣Comprehensive Psychiatric Resources |
CPR➣Civilian Personnel Regulation |
CPR➣Connect Presentation Reject (Telcordia) |
CPR➣Compressor Pressure Ratio (gas turbines) |
CPR➣Company Performance Report |
CPR➣Campus Printer Repair (UC Davis) |
CPR➣Crash Pulse Recorder |
CPR➣Capital Project Request (finance) |
CPR➣Carl, Pete, and Ringo (comedy improvisation group) |
CPR➣Coverage Per Room (robotic vacuums) |
CPR➣Cancer Pain Release (WHO publication) |
CPR➣Center for Protease Research |
CPR➣Contract Progress Report |
CPR➣Civilian Personnel Regionalization |
CPR➣Community Planned Renewal |
CPR➣Customer Product Requirements |
CPR➣Child Permanence Report (UK) |
CPR➣Center for Peace and Reconciliation |
CPR➣Confraternity of Pilgrims to Rome (UK; est. 2006) |
CPR➣Co-Operative Peer Response |
CPR➣Critical Program Review |
CPR➣Cooperative Programs for Reinvestment |
CPR➣Carrier Performance Rating |
CPR➣Construction Permit Review |
CPR➣Center for Philippine Raptors |
CPR➣Crisis Plan Writer |
CPR➣Chairman's Program Review |
CPR➣Canadian Patent Rules |
CPR➣Carrier Phase Recovery |
CPR➣Comparative Planetary Research |
CPR➣Cyberspace Product Reviews |
CPR➣Calibration Problem Report |
CPR➣Contacting Prospects Regularly (marketing) |
CPR➣Cost Performance Review |
CPR➣Christians Pray the Rosary |
CPR➣Consumer and Professional Research |
CPR➣Cloud Physics Radiometer |
CPR➣Combinatorial Phase Requirement |
CPR➣Campaign for Progressive Radio (San Diego, CA) |
CPR➣Critical Point Region |
CPR➣Community Planning and Research LLC |
CPR➣Common Processing Resource (avionics) |
CPR➣Christians Pumped and Ready |
CPR➣Chiropractic Peer Review |
CPR➣Common Problem Reporting System |
CPR➣Coupon Percentage Rate |
CPR➣Cobourg Peterborough Railway (Canada) |
CPR➣Comprehensive Plan Refinement |
CPR➣Comprehensive Product Record |
CPR➣Collaborative Problem Review |
CPR➣Correction Pause Recovery |
CPR➣Complex Protective Regimen |
CPR➣Cost of Preventive Replacement |
CPR➣Contract Progress Review |
CPR➣Cost Performance Report/ing |
CPR➣Cellular Packet Radio |
CPR➣Claim Payout Rate (Insurance) |
CPR➣Consolidated Position Report (situational awareness) |
CPR➣Contract Problem Report |
CPR➣Command Performance Review |
CPR➣Control Plane Router |
CPR➣Canadian Photonics Repository |
CPR➣Conventional Paper Record |
CPR➣Coupler Power Ratio |
CPR➣Cleans Protects Revives |
CPR➣Customer and Product Requirements |
CPR➣CECOM Performance Review |
CPR➣Center of Preparation and Retraining |
CPR➣Command Programmer's Report |
CPR➣Cancel Purchase Request |
CPR➣Cybercharge Priority Response |
CPR➣CommonWealth Professional Group (Reading, Pennsylvania) |
CPR➣Cultural Preservation and Restoration, Inc. |
CPR➣Coalition for Pesticide Reform |
CPR➣Casper, WY, USA - Natrona County International Airport (Airport Code) |
CPR➣Contract Payment Redesign |
CPR➣Calipers, Pads, Rotors (automotive repair) |
CPR➣Combat Power Ratio |
CPR➣Crash Prevention Recorder (aviation) |
CPR➣Cyberlaw, Policies and Regulations |
CPR➣Collection Performance Report |
CPR➣Corach-Porta-Recht (mathematics) |