CPRCChronic Poverty Research Centre (Manchester, UK)
CPRCConsumer Partner Resource Center
CPRCCovenant Protestant Reformed Church (UK)
CPRCCrisis Preparedness and Response Centre (Malaysia)
CPRCCommunity Parent Resource Center (various locations)
CPRCCivil Procedure Rule Committee (law; various locations)
CPRCCalifornia Policy Research Center (University of California)
CPRCCanadian Police Research Centre
CPRCCertified Public Relations Counselor
CPRCCancer Prevention Research Centre (various locations)
CPRCCytotechnology Programs Review Committee (American Society of Cytopathology)
CPRCCivil and Political Rights Covenant (UN)
CPRCComité Permanent de la Restauration Collective (French: Standing Committee of Food Services)
CPRCCeylon Planters Rifle Corps (Sri Lanka)
CPRCClub Pneumatique Région Centre (French: Central Region Inflatable Club)
CPRCChild Policy Research Center (Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center; Ohio; est. 1999)
CPRCConseil pour la Paix et la Reconciliation au Congo (French: Council for Peace and Reconciliation in Congo)
CPRCCardio Pulmonary Resource Center (Charlotte, MI)
CPRCCriminal Procedural Rules Committee (Pennsylvania)
CPRCCertified Professional Roofing Contractor (Florida Roofing, Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors Association, Inc.)
CPRCCheverly Parent Resource Center (Maryland)
CPRCConsumer Payments Research Center (Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
CPRCCivil Practices & Remedies Code
CPRCConstruction Project Review Committee
CPRCConsumer Plumbing Recovery Center, Inc. (Plano, TX, USA)
CPRCCentral Polish Relief Committee
CPRCConglomeration of Perpetual Resolutions Corporation (Ohio internet company)
CPRCChild Protection Rights Centre