caroticotympanic arteries (of internal carotid artery)

ca·rot·i·co·tym·pan·ic ar·ter·ies (of internal carotid artery)

[TA] small branches from the petrous part of the internal carotid artery supplying the tympanic cavity; anastomose with the anterior tympanic and maxillary arteries. Synonym(s): arteriae caroticotympanicae (arteriae carotidis internae) [TA], rami caroticotympanici

ca·rot·i·co·tym·pan·ic ar·ter·ies (of in·ter·nal ca·rot·id ar·te·ry)

(kă-rot'i-kō-tim-pan'ik ahr'tĕr-ēz in-tĕr'năl kă-rot'id ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Small branches from the petrous part of the internal carotid artery supplying the tympanic cavity; anastomose with the anterior tympanic and maxillary arteries.