carotid triangle

ca·rot·id tri·an·gle

[TA] a space bounded by the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle, anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, and posterior belly of the digastric; contains the bifurcation of the common carotid artery. Synonym(s): trigonum caroticum [TA], fossa carotica, Gerdy hyoid fossa, Malgaigne fossa, Malgaigne triangle, superior carotid triangle

ca·rot·id tri·an·gle

(kă-rot'id trī'ang-gĕl) [TA] A space bounded by the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle, anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, and posterior belly of the digastric; it contains the bifurcation of the common carotid artery.


Pierre N., French surgeon, 1797-1856. Gerdy fibers - a thickening of the deep fascia in the most distal part of the base of the triangular palmar aponeurosis. Synonym(s): superficial transverse metacarpal ligamentGerdy fontanel - an occasional fontanel-like defect in the sagittal suture in the newborn. Synonym(s): sagittal fontanelGerdy hyoid fossa - a space that contains the bifurcation of the common carotid artery. Synonym(s): carotid triangleGerdy interatrial loop - a muscular fasciculus in the interatrial septum of the heart, passing backward from the atrioventricular groove.Gerdy ligament - the continuation of the clavipectoral fascia downward to attach to the axillary fascia. Synonym(s): suspensory ligament of axillaGerdy tubercle - a tubercle on the lateral side of the upper end of the tibia giving attachment to the iliotibial tract and some fibers of the tibialis anterior muscle.


Joseph François, French surgeon, 1806-1865. Malgaigne amputation - amputation of the foot in which only the astragalus is retained. Synonym(s): subastragalar amputationMalgaigne apparatusMalgaigne bulgingMalgaigne clampMalgaigne fossa - a space containing the bifurcation of the common carotid artery. Synonym(s): carotid triangle; Malgaigne triangleMalgaigne fractureMalgaigne hernia - infantile inguinal hernia prior to the descent of the testis.Malgaigne hookMalgaigne luxation - longitudinal subluxation of the radial head from the anular ligament. Synonym(s): nursemaid's elbowMalgaigne swellingMalgaigne triangle - Synonym(s): Malgaigne fossa

ca·rot·id tri·an·gle

(kă-rot'id trī'ang-gĕl) [TA] A space bounded by the superior belly of the omohyoid muscle, anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid, and posterior belly of the digastric; it contains the bifurcation of the common carotid artery.