释义 |
-carpsuff. Fruit; part of a fruit; fruitlike structure: mesocarp. [New Latin -carpium, from Greek -karpion, from karpos, fruit; see kerp- in Indo-European roots.]-carp n combining form (Botany) (in botany) fruit or a reproductive structure that develops into a particular part of the fruit: epicarp. [from New Latin -carpium, from Greek -karpion, from karpos fruit]carp1 (kɑrp) v.i. 1. to find fault; complain unreasonably; cavil. n. 2. a peevish complaint. [1200–50; Middle English: to speak, prate < Old Norse karpa to brag, wrangle] carp′er, n. carp2 (kɑrp) n., pl. (esp. collectively) carp, (esp. for kinds or species) carps. 1. a large freshwater cyprinid fish, Cyprinus carpio, native to Asia but widely cultivated as a food fish. 2. any of various other fishes of the family Cyprinidae. [1350–1400; < Middle French < Middle Dutch or Middle Low German] -carp a combining form occurring in words that denote a part of a fruit or fruiting body: endocarp. [< New Latin -carpium < Greek -karpion, derivative of karpós fruit] EncyclopediaSeecarpMedicalSeeCARP |