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Foster Kennedy syndrome
Ken·ne·dy syn·drome (ken'ĕ-dē), ipsilateral optic atrophy with central scotoma and contralateral choked disc or papilledema, caused by a meningioma of the ipsilateral optic nerve. Synonym(s): Foster Kennedy syndromeKen·ne·dy syn·drome (ken'ĕ-dē sin'drōm) Ipsilateral optic atrophy with central scotoma and contralateral choked disc or papilledema, caused by a meningioma of the ipsilateral optic nerve. Synonym(s): Foster Kennedy syndrome. Foster Kennedy syndrome Pallor and loss of nerve fibres in the optic nerve (optic atrophy) in one eye and swelling of the head of the optic nerve (papilloedema) in the other. This occurs if a tumour at the front of the brain compresses one optic nerve but, at the same time, causes a rise in the pressure inside the skull leading to oedema of the uncompressed nerve. (Robert Foster Kennedy, 1884–1952, American neurologist).Kennedy, Robert Foster, U.S. neurologist, 1884-1952. Foster Kennedy syndrome - Synonym(s): Kennedy syndromeKennedy syndrome - ipsilateral optic atrophy with central scotoma and contralateral choked disk or papilledema, caused by a meningioma of the ipsilateral optic nerve. Synonym(s): Foster Kennedy syndromeAcronymsSeeFKS |