Folk-Art Museum
Folk-Art Museum
a museum founded in Moscow in 1885 as an industrial handicrafts museum under the auspices of the zemstvo assembly of Moscow Province. Since the Great October Socialist Revolution, the museum has continued to promote folk handicrafts in the RSFSR. It organizes exhibitions, including traveling exhibits, sponsors lectures, and provides instruction for master craftsmen. The museum’s collection includes some 35, 000 works representing all types of Russian folk decorative art from the 17th to the 19th century and unique collections of handicrafts from the Soviet period.
Ivanova, N. N. , T. B. Mitlianskaia, and L. K. Rozova. Muzei narodnogo iskusstva. Moscow, 1972.“Muzei narodnogo iskusstva i khudozhestvennye promysly.” Sbornik trudov NIIKhP, issue 5. Moscow, 1972.