


(Time), a political and literary magazine, the organ of the Meore Dasi (Second Group) and of the Georgian progressive bourgeois intelligentsia. It was published in the Georgian language in Tbilisi from 1866 to 1885. From 1866 to 1874 it was a weekly, from 1875 to 1876 it came out three times a week, and after 1877 it was a daily. Its editors were G. Tsereteli (1866-69), S. Meskhi (1869-73, 1874-79, 1882-83), K. Lordkipanidze (1873-74), I. Chavchavadze and S. Meskhi (1880-81), and I. Machabeli (1883-85). The leading Georgian writers and thinkers contributed to the journal. Its articles discussed the difficult situation of Georgian workers and peasants and advocated the development of industry, science, and education in Georgia. It carried literary works by Georgian writers and translations from Russian and Western literature. It was closed down for its antigovernment tendencies.


Abramishvili, A. Z. Gruzinskaia periodika. Tbilisi, 1968.