CPRTCopart Inc. (stock symbol)
CPRTCitizens for Personal Rapid Transit
CPRTCost per Reportable Test (blood analysis)
CPRTConsumer Protection Roundtable
CPRTComplex Personal Return Team
CPRTCoprocessor Register Transfer
CPRTClient Perceived Response Time
CPRTClassic Professional Racquetball Tour
CPRTCancer Prevention Research Trust
CPRTCenter for Prehospital Research and Training
CPRTCentros Proveedores de Recursos Tecnológicos
CPRTComissão de Política e Relações Trabalhistas
CPRTCertified Professional Roadside Technician
CPRTCasework Practice Recording Template
CPRTCollège de la Prévention des Risques Technologiques
CPRTCenter for Psycho-social Research & Training
CPRTCurriculum Peer Review Team
CPRTComposite Particle Representation Theory
CPRTCancer Pain Resource Team
CPRTCentre Projet Recherche Trypanosomiase
CPRTCertified Past-life Regression Therapist
CPRTCommunity Psychiatric Rehabilitation Team
CPRTCombined Periodontal Regenerative Technique
CPRTCrimpless Premium Ring Terminal
CPRTConsett Primary Response Team
CPRTCombined Pressure Reducing Terminal
CPRTCollege Program Review Team
CPRTChaplain Professional Reinforcement Training (US Army)
CPRTChild and Parent Relationship Therapy (filial therapy)