

单词 cpt



abbr. captain



Abbreviation for Current Procedural Terminology.


Abbreviation for:
carnitine palmityl transferase
carotid pulse tracing
Certified Personal Trainer
Child Protection Team (Medspeak-UK)
choroid plexus tumour
cognitive performance test
complete perineal tear
conjunctival provocation test
conventional pain treatment
conventional phototherapy
Current Procedural Terminology


Current procedural terminology Managed care A systematic listing and coding of procedures/services performed by US physicians; a physician-related procedure identification system that serves as the basis for health care billing; CPT coding assigns a 5-digit code to each service or procedure provided by a physician. See Coding, HCFA Common Procedures Coding System, HCPCS level I, HCPCS physician.


Abbreviation for Current Procedural Terminology.


Abbreviation for Current Procedural Terminology.



See: Carriage Paid To


Carrier Paid To. In international commerce, an agreement between a seller and a buyer indicating that the seller is responsible for the costs of shipping a good while the buyer assumes the risk of damage to the good once it is transferred to a carrier. This means that the buyer is responsible for any insurance he/she may wish to purchase. A carrier is any person who transports the good to an agreed upon destination; in cases where the transportation involves multiple carriers, risk is transferred when the good is delivered to the fist carrier. See also: United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Incoterm.


CPTCarriage Paid To
CPTCost Per Thousand
CPTCurrent Procedural Terminology (medical)
CPTChristian Peacemaker Teams (Church of the Brethren)
CPTCurricular Practical Training
CPTCertified Personal Trainer
CPTCapcom Pro Tour (gaming)
CPTCommittee for the Prevention of Torture
CPTCustom Post Type (WordPress)
CPTClinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
CPTCollege Placement Test
CPTCentre de Physique Théorique (French: Center for Theoretical Physics; University of Provence; France)
CPTCognitive Processing Therapy
CPTComputer Technology
CPTCape Town, South Africa (Airport Code)
CPTCone Penetration Test (geotechnical)
CPTColumbia Pictures Television (studio)
CPTContinuous Performance Test (Conners)
CPTConvention for the Prevention of Torture (Council of Europe)
CPTConsumer Project on Technology
CPTCahier des Prescriptions Techniques (French: Technical Specification Book)
CPTCamden Property Trust
CPTCold Pressor Test (cardiovascular test)
CPTCommon Procedural Terminology (medical)
CPTChiral Perturbation Theory
CPTCommission Pastorale de la Terre (French: Pastoral Land Commission; Brazil)
CPTCleveland Public Theatre (Cleveland, OH)
CPTComprehensive Physical Therapy (Pennsylvania)
CPTConfederation of Passenger Transport (UK)
CPTCopy Protection Technology
CPTCurrent Procedural Terminology
CPTCost per Transaction
CPTCorel Photo Paint
CPTC Language Precedence Trainer
CPTCorel Photo-Paint (file extension)
CPTCanadian Poker Tour
CPTConditional Probability Table
CPTCommon Planning Time (education)
CPTCentre for Particle Theory (UK)
CPTChild Protection Team (Florida)
CPTChild Protection Training
CPTCertified Performance Technologist (International Society for Performance Improvement)
CPTCoherent Population Trapping (quantum optical physics)
CPTCalcutta Port Trust (India)
CPTCertified Phlebotomy Technician
CPTChest Physical Therapy
CPTClinical Pastoral Training
CPTCentral Park Tennis (New York, NY)
CPTCone Penetrometer Test
CPTCumulative Prospect Theory (risk decision)
CPTCost-Per-Transaction (e-commerce)
CPTComprehensive Performance Test
CPTComisión Pastoral de la Tierra (Spanish: Pastoral Land Commission; Brazil)
CPTCockpit Procedures Trainer
CPTCompagnia Pisana Trasporti (Italian: Pisa Transportation Company, Italy)
CPTCertified Professional Trainer
CPTCare Provider Treatment
CPTCareer Planning Timeline (various schools)
CPTCentre de Promotion du Textile (French: Textiles Promotion Center; Senegal)
CPTCommunity Property Trust
CPTCompetent Person Training (various companies)
CPTCentre de Production Thermique (French: Thermal Production Center)
CPTCleft Palate Team (surgery)
CPTCorrugated Polyethylene Tubing
CPTCritical Pitting Temperature (corrosion)
CPTColor Picture Tube
CPTCapacité Pulmonaire Totale (French: Total Lung Capacity)
CPTCharge Parity Time (particle and nuclear physics)
CPTContinuous Professional Training
CPTParaguayan Workers Confederation (Paraguay)
CPTControl Power Transformer
CPTCommon Proficiency Test (first stage of Examination in the Chartered Accountancy of India)
CPTCommon Proficiency Test (entrance exam)
CPTCone Penetrometer Technology
CPTChunghwa Picture Tube (computer monitor manufacturer)
CPTCentral Place Theory (coined by Walter Christaller)
CPTColored People Time (TV show)
CPTChest Percussion Therapy
CPTCardiopulmonary Physical Therapy
CPTCommand Pass Through
CPTCore Planning Team
CPTChoroid Plexus Tumor
CPTCompliant-Piled Tower (bottom-founded, free-standing offshore platform structure)
CPTClimate Predictability Tool (climate prediction software)
CPTCommunist Party of Tajikistan
CPTClassical Plate Theory (continuum mechanics)
CPTCarnitine Palmityl Transferase Deficiency
CPTCentre Permanent Tertiaire (French: Standing Tertiary Center)
CPTCellular Paging Teleservice
CPTClose Protection Team (ISAF)
CPTCost Paid To
CPTCommand Post Terminal
CPTChief Programmer Team
CPTCumulative Price Threshold
CPTCollarless Polished Tapered (type of hip replacement)
CPTCounterterrorism Pursuit Teams (US DoD)
CPTComposition Placement Test (Canada)
CPTCritical Path Technique
CPTComputer Program Test
CPTConcrete Prism Test
CPTCollision Presence Test (ethernet heartbeat)
CPTCentral Planning Team
CPTCorrugated Plastic Tubing
CPTChildren's Peace Theatre (Canada)
CPTConsejo Permanente de Trabajadores (Spanish: Permanent Congress of Workers, Nicaragua)
CPTCall Progress Tone Detection
CPTCorrect Procedural Terminology
CPTContractor Provided Training
CPTCustom Procedural Tray
CPTConstant Power Throttling
CPTCross-Platform Toolset
CPTCargo Processing Technician (NASA)
CPTCore Penetration Test
CPTPilot Climate Process and Modeling Teams
CPTComputer Program Tapes (NASA)
CPTCollaborative Planning Tool
CPTChild-Pugh-Turcotte Score (liver disease assessment)
CPTControl Position Transducer
CPTCategory-Partition Testing
CPTComputer Project On Technology
CPTClient Process Team
CPTCost/Performance Trade-Off
CPTCommissioning Plan Tool (GSA)
CPTCommand Process Time
CPTChangepond Technologies Private Limited (Chennai, India)
CPTCertified Practicing Trainer
CPTCivilian Pay Target
CPTCommon Pilot Tone
CPTCrock Pot Thursday
CPTCanara Pinto Travels (India)
CPTCompound Pharmaceutical Technologies (Daphne, AL)
CPTComparison Production Test
CPTCost Product Team
CPTCentro Proyeccion Termica
CPTChannel Product Table
CPTCorrections Program Therapist
CPTContinuous Polyethylene
CPTChicago Pizza Tours (Illinois)
CPTCrisis Planning Team




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