(“Tale of Chunhyang”; also known as Fragrance of Spring), an anonymous late 18th-century Korean tale of the romance between a girl of the lower class and a noble youth. Certain passages of the work criticize contemporary Korean society. The tale has survived in different versions. The libretto of the Korean opera Chunhyang-jon is based on the tale.
Chunhyang-jon. Pyongyang, 1954.In Russian translation:
In Istoriia o vernosti Chkhunkhian: Koreiskie srednevekovye povesti. Moscow, 1960.
Chkhunkhiandzhon kvondzhitan (Kratkaia povest’ o Chkhunkhian). Facsimile of a woodcut version. Translated and with foreword and commentary by A. F. Trotsevich. Moscow, 1968.
Roza i Alyi Lotos. Moscow, 1974.
Klassicheskaia proza Dal’nego Vostoka. Moscow, 1975.
Trotsevich, A. F. Koreiskaia srednevekovaia povest’. Moscow, 1975.Cho Yun-je. Kyoju Chunhyang chon. Seoul, 1962.