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carphology (kɑːˈfɒlədʒɪ) nthe action of grasping at imaginary objects or plucking at one's bed linen, a characteristic of people affected by deliriumcarphologythe motions of delirious or senile patients, especially motions of searching for and grasping at imaginary objects, plucking at bedclothes, etc. Also called floccilation.See also: Disease and Illnesscarphology
carphology [kahr-fol´o-je] involuntary picking at the bedclothes, seen in states of great exhaustion and grave fevers.carphologia, carphology (kar-fo-lo'je-a) (-fol'o-je) [Gr. karphos, dry twig, + legein, to pluck] Involuntary picking at bedclothes, seen esp. in febrile delirium. Synonym: floccillationcarphology Aimless plucking at the bedclothes seen in people in delirium, exhaustion or DEMENTIA. |