Carpinteria State Beach
Carpinteria State Beach
Location:12 miles south of Santa Barbara off US 101.
Facilities:Family campsites (tent camping; RV camping with hookups), hike/bikecampsites, en route campsites, group camp, restrooms,showers, picnic areas, visitor center, exhibits (é).
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, wildlife viewing, interpretive programs.
Special Features:Sealsand sea lions, as well as an occasional gray whale, can be seen in thisarea December through May, and tidepools contain starfish, seaanemones, crabs, snails, octopi, and sea urchins. The Spanish named the area "Carpinteria" because the Chumash tribe hada large, oceangoing canoe-building enterprise or "carpentry shop"located here. The Chumash chose the spot because of thenaturally-occurring surface tar they used to seal their boats.
Address:c/o Channel Coast District Office
911 San Pedro St
Ventura, CA 93001
Size: 62 acres.
See other parks in California.