a family of Moscow merchants and manufacturers prominent in the 17th and 18th centuries. The first well-known representative of the family was the gost’ (a member of the highest privileged corporation of merchants) Ostafii Ivanovich Filat’-ev, founder of the saltworks in Iarensk District on the Vym’ River (1672) and the Lenva Saltworks in Solikamsk District (1680). Together with his sons Vasilii and Aleksei, Ostafii Fi-lat’ev supplied salt to freight boats on the Kama, Volga, Oka, and other rivers. The Filat’evs brought furs and walrus tusks from Siberia and sold them in Arkhangel’sk and in Western European countries. They also traded with Middle Asia, Persia, and, beginning in the late 1680’s, with China. In 1696 the Moscow gost’ Aleksei Filat’ev became a member of the commission supervising the collection of money for fleet construction.
Members of the Filat’ev family were important merchants and manufacturers in the post-Petrine period as well.
Istoriia Moskvy, vols. 1–2. Moscow, 1952–53.Ustiugov, N. V. Solevarennaia promyshlennost’ Soli Kamskoi v XVII v. Moscow, 1957.