Carrel treatment

Car·rel treat·ment

(kah-rel'), treatment of wound surfaces by intermittent flushing with Dakin solution. Synonym(s): Dakin-Carrel treatment

Car·rel treat·ment

(kah-rel' trēt'mĕnt) Treatment of wound surfaces by intermittent flushing with Dakin solution (sodium hypochlorite and boric acid in a dilute, neutral solution).


Alexis, French-U.S. surgeon and Nobel laureate, 1873-1944. Carrel clampCarrel methodCarrel mosquito forcepsCarrel operationCarrel patchCarrel suturesCarrel treatment - treatment of wound surfaces by intermittent flushing with Dakin solution. Synonym(s): Dakin-Carrel treatmentCarrel tubeCarrel-Lindbergh pump - a perfusion device designed for use in culture of whole organs.Dakin-Carrel treatment - Synonym(s): Carrel treatment