

单词 failure



F0012700 (fāl′yər)n.1. The condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends: the failure of an experiment.2. One that fails: a failure at one's career.3. The condition or fact of being insufficient or falling short: a crop failure.4. A cessation of proper functioning or performance: a power failure.5. Nonperformance of what is requested or expected; omission: failure to report a change of address.6. The act or fact of failing to pass a course, test, or assignment.7. A decline in strength or effectiveness.8. The act or fact of becoming bankrupt or insolvent.
[Alteration of failer, default, from Anglo-Norman, from Old French faillir, to fail; see fail.]


(ˈfeɪljə) n1. the act or an instance of failing2. a person or thing that is unsuccessful or disappointing: the evening was a failure. 3. nonperformance of something required or expected: failure to attend will be punished. 4. cessation of normal operation; breakdown: a power failure. 5. an insufficiency or shortage: a crop failure. 6. a decline or loss, as in health or strength7. (Education) the fact of not reaching the required standard in an examination, test, course, etc8. (Banking & Finance) the act or process of becoming bankrupt or the state of being bankrupt


(ˈfeɪl yər)

n. 1. an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful; lack of success. 2. nonperformance of something due, required, or expected: a failure to appear. 3. a subnormal quantity or quality; an insufficiency: the failure of crops. 4. deterioration or decay, esp. of vigor or strength. 5. a condition of being bankrupt by reason of insolvency. 6. a becoming insolvent or bankrupt the failure of a bank. 7. a person or thing that proves unsuccessful. [1635–45; earlier failer a (de)fault < Anglo-French (n. use of infinitive), for faillir]




  1. The anatomy of the first major success is like the young human body, a miracle only the owner can fully savor —John Fowles
  2. As he rose like a rocket, he fell like a stick —Thomas Paine
  3. A certain prosperity coats these people like scent or the layer of buttery light in a painting by Rubens —Jean Thompson
  4. A conqueror, like a cannon ball, must go on; if he rebounds, his career is over —The Duke of Wellington
  5. (The midlist author is) dogged by his past sales record, like a utility infielder with a .228 lifetime batting average —Phillip Lopate, New York Times Book Review, May 24, 1987
  6. Failed … like an old hanging bridge —Marge Piercy
  7. Fail like a five-year plan —Derek Lambert
  8. Failure grabs a man like an old and shabby suit —Derek Lambert
  9. (A great beauty) flourishing like a rose —Isak Dinesen
  10. Flourishing like a weed in a hot house —Susan Fromberg Schaeffer
  11. Flourishing like trees —Hilma Wolitzer
  12. Had risen to his great height like a man lifted to the ceiling by a sort of slow explosion —G. K. Chesterton
  13. High office is like a pyramid; only two kinds of animals reach the summit, reptiles and eagles —Jean Le Rond d’Alembert
  14. His life, day after day, was failing like an unreplenished stream —Percy Bysshe Shelley
  15. Moving up hand over hand … like a champion —Tom Wolfe
  16. Pursued success as a knight the Holy Grail —Anon


  17. Sailed through the world like a white yacht jubilant with flags —John Gardner
  18. Selling like lemonade at a track meet —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  19. Sell like hotcakes —Anon

    Different industries have coined many phrases for things which sell well. This American simile which came into use in the middle of the nineteenth century is still the most widely used. For a twist in meaning there’s “Selling like cold hot cakes” from The Last Good Kiss by James Crumley.

  20. Sold [books by nineteenth century author Karl May] like pancakes topped by wild blueberries and heavy cream —Vincent Canby, New York Times, June 25, 1986
  21. Sold like picks and pans in a gold rush —Robert Guenther, Wall Street Journal, August 6, 1986
  22. Success is as ice cold and lonely as the North Pole —Vicki Baum

    See Also: ALONENESS

  23. Success is feminine and like a woman, if you cringe before her, she will override you —William Faulkner

    Faulkner expanded on this simile still further: “So the way to treat her is to show her the back of your hand. Then maybe she will do the crawling.”

  24. Success on some men looks like a borrowed coat; it sits on you as though it had been made to order —Edith Wharton
  25. Triumphs like a trumpet —Wallace Stevens
  26. Wanted his success acknowledged … like the high school loser who dreams of driving to the class reunion in a custom-made sports car —Jean Thompson
  27. Winning an Oscar … it’s like getting thirty thousand red roses at one time —Louise Fletcher, from Rex Reed interview
  28. Wore his success like his health —George Garrett




back to the drawing board An acknowledgment that an enterprise has failed and that one must begin again from scratch, at the initial planning stages. The drawing board in question is the type used by draftsmen, architects, engineers, etc., for blueprints and such schematic designs. A similar phrase is back to square one, by analogy to a games board. Its meaning is the same—“We’ve got to start all over, from the very beginning.”

bite the dust See DEATH.

[one’s] cake is dough One’s project or undertaking has failed, one’s expectations or hopes have come to naught; one never has any luck. A cake which comes out of the oven as dough is clearly a total failure. Shakespeare used this now obsolete proverbial expression in The Taming of the Shrew (V, i):

My cake is dough; but I’ll in among the rest,
Out of hope of all but my share of the feast.

damp squib An enterprise that was to have been a great success, but fizzled out; a lead balloon; a dud. In this British colloquialism, squib is another name for a firecracker. If it is damp, it will not explode as expected. It may fizzle or, in some cases, turn out to be a dud.

flash in the pan An instant but short-lived success; a brief, intense effort that yields no significant results; a failure after an impressive beginning. This expression refers to the occasional misfiring of the old flintlock rifles which caused a flash, or sudden burst of flame, as the gunpowder in the pan burned instead of exploding and discharging a bullet. The expression appears in an 1802 military dictionary edited by Charles James:

Flash in the pan, an explosion of gunpowder without any communication beyond the touch-hole.

go belly up See DEATH.

goose egg A term used figuratively for lack of success in any endeavor; an instance of not scoring or of missing a point, so-called from the slang term for the numeral “0.” As far back as the 14th century, things were compared to goose eggs because of a similarity in shape and size. By the mid-1800s, the term was used in scoring at athletic contests.

At this stage of the game our opponents had fourteen runs—we had five large “goose eggs” as our share. (Wilkes’ Spirit of Times, July 14, 1866)

Goose egg can also be used as a verb.

I now had twenty-two consecutive World Series innings in which I goose-egged the National League. (Saturday Evening Post, February 28, 1948)

go up in smoke To come to naught, to be wasted or futile; to be unsuccessful, to fail or flop; also to end up in smoke and other variants.

One might let him scheme and talk, hoping it might all end in smoke. (Jane Welsh Carlyle, New Letters and Memorials, 1853)

Use of this self-evident expression dates from the 17th century.

lay an egg To flop or bomb, especially when performing before an audience; to fail miserably. During World War I, lay an egg was Air Force terminology for ‘drop a bomb,’ egg probably being associated with bomb because of its similar shape. In addition, egg or goose egg is common slang for ‘zero, cipher,’ also because of their similar shapes. Thus, to lay an egg is ‘to bomb’ (figuratively), or to produce a large zero, i.e., nothing in terms of a favorable response from an audience, supervisor, or other persons evaluating a performance.

You would just as well come wearing a shell if you ever took a job [singing] in a spot like this, that is how big an egg you would lay. (John O’Hara, Pal Joey, 1939)

lead balloon A failure, fiasco, or flop; an attempt to entertain or communicate that fails to elicit a desirable response. This phrase is relatively new, having appeared in print no earlier that the mid-1900s. Lead balloon was originally heard in the verb phrase to go over like a lead balloon, an obvious hyperbolic expression for failing miserably. Today the phrase is used alone substantively or adjectivally. Thus, a joke, plan, etc., can be called a “lead balloon.”

What the Dickens? was a lead balloon literary quiz wherein the experts showed only how little they knew. (Sunday Times, April 19, 1970)

lemon An object of inferior quality; a dud; something that fails to meet expectations. This expression alludes to the lemons painted on the reels of slot machines or “one-armed bandits.” Whenever a lemon appears on one of the reels, regardless of what appears on the other reels, the gambler automatically loses his money. Lemon was in popular use by 1905, less than ten years after slot machines were invented. The expression remains almost ubiquitous, particularly in its most common current application, i.e., in reference to automobiles which experience almost constant mechanical difficulties.

Mechanics are less than delighted to see lines of lemons converging on their service departments. (Saturday Review, June 17, 1972)

See also one-armed bandit, NICKNAMES.

lose one’s shirt To be financially devastated. This common expression implies that a shirt is the last of one’s possessions to be lost in a financial upheaval.

a miss is as good as a mile A proverb implying that it does not matter how close one comes to hitting or attaining a goal, a near miss is still a miss, a near success is still a failure, etc. This expression is probably a corruption of an earlier, more explicit adage, “An inch in a miss is as good as an ell.” (An ell is a unit of measurement; in England, 45 inches.) It has also been suggested that the original expression was “Amis is as good as Amile,” alluding to two of Charlemagne’s soldiers who were both heroes, both martyrs, and both saints—thus, to many people, they were virtually indistinguishable.

He was very near being a poet—but a miss is as good as a mile, and he always fell short of the mark. (Sir Walter Scott, Journal, 1825)

miss the boat To miss out on something by arriving too late, to lose an opportunity or chance; to fail to understand; also to miss the bus. These phrases bring to mind the image of someone arriving at the dock or bus stop just in time to see the boat or bus leaving without him. Although both expressions date from approximately the early part of this century, to miss the boat is by far the more common.

Some firms were missing the boat because their managements were not prepared to be adventurous. (The Times, March, 1973)

my Venus turns out a whelp See REVERSAL.

take a bath To be ruined financially, to lose everything, to go to the cleaners; usually used in reference to a specific financial venture. This figurative American slang use of to take a bath, meaning ‘to be stripped of all one’s possessions,’ plays on one’s physical nakedness when bathing.

washed out To have met with failure or financial ruin; disqualified from social, athletic, or scholastic pursuits. One theory suggests that this phrase originated as an allusion to the former military custom of whitewashing a target after shooting practice, but the connection is difficult to discern. In modern usage, this expression is often applied in an athletic context to one who, because of injury or inferior ability, can no longer compete. In addition, the expression often implies a total depletion of funds.

I would sit in with … hustlers who really knew how to gamble. I always got washed out. (Louis Armstrong, Satchmo, My Life in New Orleans, 1954)

wither on the vine To fail to mature, develop, or reach fruition; to die aborning; to go unused, to be wasted. The expression describes lost opportunity, unrealized ambitions or talents, unfulfilled plans, etc. It often implies negligence or oversight; if such had been properly tended and nourished, they would have blossomed. An obvious antecedent of the expression appeared in the 17th century:

Like a neglected rose
It withers on the stalk with
languish’t head.
(John Milton, Comus, 1634)

Noun1.failure - an act that failsfailure - an act that fails; "his failure to pass the test"nonaccomplishment, nonachievement - an act that does not achieve its intended goalflunk, failing - failure to reach a minimum required performance; "his failing the course led to his disqualification"; "he got two flunks on his report"naught - complete failure; "all my efforts led to naught"loss - the act of losing someone or something; "everyone expected him to win so his loss was a shock"lapsing, relapse, relapsing, backsliding, reverting, lapse, reversion - a failure to maintain a higher statemisplay, error - (baseball) a failure of a defensive player to make an out when normal play would have sufficedout - (baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball; "you only get 3 outs per inning"nonconformance, nonconformity - failure to conform to accepted standards of behaviornonpayment, nonremittal, default - act of failing to meet a financial obligation
2.failure - an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose; "the surprise party was a complete failure"happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent - an event that happensdownfall, ruination, ruin - failure that results in a loss of position or reputationflame-out - a complete or conspicuous failure; "the spectacular flame-out of the company's stock cost many people their life savings"malfunction - a failure to function normallymiscarriage, abortion - failure of a planmisfire, miss - a failure to hit (or meet or find etc)bust, fizzle, flop - a complete failure; "the play was a dismal flop"miscreation, malformation - something abnormal or anomalousequipment failure, breakdown - a cessation of normal operation; "there was a power breakdown"defeat, licking - an unsuccessful ending to a struggle or contest; "it was a narrow defeat"; "the army's only defeat"; "they suffered a convincing licking"success - an event that accomplishes its intended purpose; "let's call heads a success and tails a failure"; "the election was a remarkable success for the Whigs"
3.failure - lack of success; "he felt that his entire life had been a failure"; "that year there was a crop failure"circumstances, luck, destiny, fate, fortune, lot, portion - your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); "whatever my fortune may be"; "deserved a better fate"; "has a happy lot"; "the luck of the Irish"; "a victim of circumstances"; "success that was her portion"bankruptcy - a state of complete lack of some abstract property; "spiritual bankruptcy"; "moral bankruptcy"; "intellectual bankruptcy"bank failure - the inability of a bank to meet its credit obligationscrop failure - the failure of crops to produce a marketable surplusdead duck - something doomed to failure; "he finally admitted that the legislation was a dead duck"; "the idea of another TV channel is now a dead duck"; "as theories go, that's a dead duck"success - a state of prosperity or fame; "he is enjoying great success"; "he does not consider wealth synonymous with success"
4.failure - a person with a record of failingfailure - a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistentlynonstarter, unsuccessful person, loserunfortunate, unfortunate person - a person who suffers misfortunebankrupt, insolvent - someone who has insufficient assets to cover their debtsflash in the pan - someone who enjoys transient success but then failsdud, flop, washout - someone who is unsuccessfulunderdog - one at a disadvantage and expected to lose
5.failure - an unexpected omission; "he resented my failure to return his call"; "the mechanic's failure to check the brakes"dashing hopes, disappointment - an act (or failure to act) that disappoints someonebreach - a failure to perform some promised act or obligationcopout - a failure to face some difficulty squarelyomission, skip - a mistake resulting from neglect
6.failure - inability to discharge all your debts as they come duefailure - inability to discharge all your debts as they come due; "the company had to declare bankruptcy"; "fraudulent loans led to the failure of many banks"bankruptcyinsolvency - the lack of financial resources
7.failure - loss of ability to function normally; "kidney failure"disorder, upset - a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning; "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder"; "everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time"coronary failure, heart failure - inability of the heart to pump enough blood to sustain normal bodily functionskidney failure, renal failure - inability of the kidneys to excrete wastes and to help maintain the electrolyte balance


noun1. lack of success, defeat, collapse, abortion, wreck, frustration, breakdown, overthrow, miscarriage, fiasco, downfall The policy is doomed to failure.
lack of success success, triumph, effectiveness, adequacy
2. catastrophe, disaster, fiasco, let-down, trouble, tragedy, blunder, misfortune, devastation, calamity, mishap The marriage was a failure and they both wanted to be free of it.3. loser, disappointment, no-good, flop (informal), write-off, incompetent, no-hoper (chiefly Austral.), dud (informal), clinker (slang, chiefly U.S.), black sheep, washout (informal), clunker (informal), dead duck (slang), ne'er-do-well, saddo (Brit. slang), nonstarter I just felt I had been a failure in my personal life.4. negligence, neglect, deficiency, default, shortcoming, omission, oversight, dereliction, nonperformance, nonobservance, nonsuccess, remissness They didn't prove his case of a failure of duty.
negligence care, observance
5. breakdown, stalling, cutting out, malfunction, crash, disruption, stoppage, mishap, conking out (informal) There were also several accidents mainly caused by engine failures on take-off.6. failing, deterioration, decay, loss, decline He was being treated for kidney failure.7. scarcity, lack, shortfall, inadequacy, dearth, insufficiency displaced by fighting or crop failure8. bankruptcy, crash, collapse, ruin, folding (informal), closure, winding up, downfall, going under, liquidation, insolvency Business failures rose 16% last month.
bankruptcy fortune, prosperity
Related words
fear kakorraphiaphobia
"A failure is a stranger in his own house" [Eric Hoffer The Passionate State of Mind]
"There is not a fiercer hell than the failure in a great object" [John Keats Endymion]
"There is no failure except in no longer trying" [Elbert Hubbard The Note Book]


noun1. The condition of not achieving the desired end:unsuccess, unsuccessfulness.2. One that fails completely:bust, fiasco, loser, washout.Informal: dud, flop, lemon.Slang: bomb.3. A cessation of proper mechanical functions:breakdown, outage.4. Nonperformance of what ought to be done:default, delinquency, dereliction, neglect, omission.Law: nonfeasance.5. A marked loss of strength or effectiveness:declination, decline, deterioration.6. The condition of being financially insolvent:bankruptcy, bust, insolvency.


(feil) verb1. to be unsuccessful (in); not to manage (to do something). They failed in their attempt; I failed my exam; I failed to post the letter. 失敗 失败2. to break down or cease to work. The brakes failed. 停止作用 停止作用3. to be insufficient or not enough. His courage failed (him). 不足 不足4. (in a test, examination etc) to reject (a candidate). The examiner failed half the class. 不錄取,不及格 不及格5. to disappoint. They did not fail him in their support. 使失望 使失望ˈfailing noun a fault or weakness. He may have his failings, but he has always treated his children well. 缺點 缺点 preposition if (something) fails or is lacking. Failing his help, we shall have to try something else. 如果沒有... 如果没有...ˈfailure (-jə) noun1. the state or act of failing. She was upset by her failure in the exam; failure of the electricity supply. 不及格,不足 不及格,不足 2. an unsuccessful person or thing. He felt he was a failure. 失敗者,失敗的事 失败者,失败的事 3. inability, refusal etc to do something. his failure to reply. 無能力,沒做到 无能力without fail definitely or certainly. I shall do it tomorrow without fail. 必定 必定




abysmal failure

Failure that is total and extreme in measure or implication. The business was an abysmal failure, and everyone was out of a job within a month.See also: failure

give (one) heart failure

To shock, frighten, or upset someone suddenly and to an extreme degree. Often used with "nearly," "almost," or some similar modifier. Adrian almost gave his parents heart failure when he told them he was dropping out of college. You about gave me heart failure, sneaking up on me like that!See also: failure, give, heart

failure to thrive

A medical term used to describe an infant or young child who has experienced delays in physical growth, for a variety of possible reasons. I'm a bit concerned about little Howie's failure to thrive, so I want you to bring him back the office next week for further examination.See also: failure, thrive

success has many fathers, failure is an orphan

People are quick to associate themselves with successful ventures and distance themselves from failures. A: "All the people who were so excited about this project in the beginning now act like they've never even heard of it." B: "Well, success has many fathers, failure is an orphan."See also: failure, many, success

have heart failure

To be shocked, frightened, or upset suddenly and to an extreme degree. Often used with "nearly," "almost," or some similar modifier. Adrian's parents almost had heart failure when he told them he was dropping out of college. I just about had heart failure when you snuck up on me like that!See also: failure, have, heart

give someone heart failure

Frighten or startle someone very much, as in You nearly gave me heart failure when you told me you were quitting. It is also put as have heart failure, meaning "be frightened or startled," as in I just about had heart failure when I heard about her accident. These hyperbolic terms allude to the life-threatening physical condition in which the heart fails to pump blood at an adequate rate or stops altogether. Also see heart misses a beat. See also: failure, give, heart, someone



[′fāl·yər] (engineering) A permanent change in the volume of a powder or the stresses within it. (mechanics) Condition caused by collapse, break, or bending, so that a structure or structural element can no longer fulfill its purpose.


A condition when a structure or material ceases to fulfill its required purpose. The failure of a structural member may be caused by elastic deformation, fracture, or excessive deflection. The nonstructural failure of a material may be due to weathering, abrasion, or chemical action.



Failure is a consequence of a change in the parameters of a device or of its parts, resulting from internal physicochemical processes and the effect of the environment.

A distinction is made between sudden failure and gradual failure. Sudden failure is characterized by an abrupt change in the values of one or more fundamental parameters of a device (for example, the burnout of the incandescent filament in an electric lamp); in gradual failure, there is a slow change in the values of one or more fundamental parameters of a device (for example, the decrease of engine power to a level below the rated power). The criteria for failure are established in the technical specifications for a particular item.

As a result of failure, a device may stop operating completely, or its operating efficiency may fall below the permissible level. Failure of an element in a device that is not caused by damage to other elements is called independent failure; failure resulting from damage or the complete failure of other elements is called dependent failure.


What does it mean when you dream about a failure?

Dreaming about failing, in school or in some task, may simply be an expression of anxiety (i.e., it is not a sign predicting that someone will fail). People who regularly dream of failing are often perfectionists.


In structural engineering, that condition of a structural element (or its material components) which renders it incapable of continuing the load-carrying function for which it was designed; may be caused by fracture or by excessive and permanent plastic deformation.


Army Bomb Plotattempted assassination of Hitler; his miraculous escape brought dreadful retaliation (1944). [Ger. Hist.: Van Doren, 500]Brown, Charliecomic strip character for whom losing is a way of life. [Comics: “Peanuts” in Horn, 542–543]Bunion Derbyfinancially disastrous cross-country marathon. [Am. Hist.: Sann, 48–56]Carker, Johnbroken-spirited man occupying subordinate position. [Br. Lit.: Dombey and Son]Edselmuch bruited automobile fails on market (1950s). [Am. Hist.: Flexner, 78]English, Juliancontentious and unloved salesman; commits suicide in despair. [Am. Lit.: Appointment in Samarra]Gunpowder Plotattempt to blow up the Parliament building; led to the execution of its leader, Guy Fawkes (1605). [Brit. Hist.: EB, IV: 70–71]Little Tramp Chaplin’smuch-loved, much-imitated hapless, “I’m a failure” persona. [Am. Cinema: Griffith, 79]Loman, Willytraveling salesman who gradually comes to realize that his life has been a complete failure; commits suicide. [Am. Lit.: The Death of a Salesman, Payton, 397]Mighty Caseyignominiously strikes out in the clutch. [Am. Lit.: “Casey at the Bat” in Turkin, 642]Reardon, Edwinvery promising writer who, after unsuccessful publication, returns to clerical job. [Br. Lit.: New Grub Street, Magill I, 647–649]Skid Rowdistrict of down-and-outs and bums. [Am. Usage: Brewer Dictionary, 1008]WIN buttonsPresident Ford’s scheme to reduce inflation: for the American public to wear shields stating “WIN.” (Whip Inflation Now). [Am. Hist.: Misc.]World League“ingenious” creation of a third professional league that never materialized. [Am. Sports: Misc.]Yanksteamship stoker vainly tries to climb the social ladder, then fails in attempt to avenge himself on society. [Am. Drama: O’Neill The Hairy Ape in Sobel, 339]


The inability of a system or system component to perform arequired function within specified limits. A failure may beproduced when a fault is encountered.



 [fāl´yer] inability to perform or to function properly.adult failure to thrive a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as a progressive functional deterioration of a physical and cognitive nature. The individual's ability to live with multisystem diseases, cope with ensuing problems, and manage his/her care are remarkably diminished.bone marrow failure failure of the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow; see also suppression" >bone marrow suppression.congestive heart failure see heart failure" >congestive heart failure.heart failure see heart failure.kidney failure renal failure.multiple organ failure failure of two or more organ systems in a critically ill patient; see also multiple organ failure.renal failure see renal failure.respiratory failure see respiratory failure.failure to thrive (failure to thrive syndrome) physical and developmental retardation in infants and small children. The syndrome can be seen in children with a physical illness, but the term is most often taken to mean failure to thrive due to psychosocial effects such as maternal deprivation. The syndrome was first noticed when European psychiatrists studied the development of babies who had spent the first five years of their lives in institutions where they were deprived of the emotional warmth of a mother, father, or other primary caregiver.
Characteristics of the failure to thrive syndrome include lack of physical growth (for example, weight and height below the third percentile for age) and below normal achievement in fine and gross motor, social-adaptive, and language skills as assessed by psychometric testing using a tool such as the Denver Developmental Screening Test. Additionally, the child with this syndrome displays withdrawing behavior, avoidance of eye contact, and stiffness or flaccid posture when held. These children often have a history of irritability, feeding problems, and disturbed sleep patterns.
Parents of infants with failure to thrive syndrome typically display feelings of concern and inadequacy. The infant who is feeding poorly and is irritable may elicit a response in the caregiver that reflects tension and frustration. The need for comfort and nurturing by the infant may not be met, and this may lead to a cycle that exacerbates feeding problems.
Intervention encompasses identification of infants and mothers at risk for the syndrome and care of both mother or primary caregiver and infant. The major goals are to encourage the mother to express her feelings without fear of rejection, to model the role of mother and teach her nurturing behaviors, and to promote her self-esteem and confidence. Important nursing goals in the care of the infant include providing optimal nutrition, comfort, and rest; meeting the infant's psychosocial needs; and supplying emotional nurturance and sensory stimulation appropriate to the assessed developmental level.
ventilatory failure respiratory failure.


(fāl'yūr), The state of insufficiency or nonperformance.


Vox populi A nonfunctioning state. See Acute renal failure, Acute skin failure, Atrial systolic failure, Autonomic failure, Backward failure, Baroreflex failure, Chronic renal failure, Decompensated low-output backward failure, Defibrillation failure, Failure to thrive, Forward failure, Fulminant hepatic failure, Graft failure, High-output heart failure, Induction failure, Intrinsic renal failure, Left ventricular failure, Low-output heart failure, Mean time between failure, Medical failure, Multisystem organ failure, Postpartum renal failure, Premature ovarian failure, Right ventricular failure, Zidovudine failure.


(fāl'yŭr) The state of insufficiency or nonperformance; describes dysfunction of body systems or organs (e.g., renal failure).


(fāl'yŭr) State of insufficiency or nonperformance.

Patient discussion about failure

Q. What Is the Treatment for Congestive Heart Failure? My mother is 76 years ols and has been suffering from a heart disease for many years. Lately she has developed congestive heart failure. How is this situation treated?A. In addition to everything else, she might try CoQ10, a supplement available at most nutrition stores.
"Congestive heart failure has been strongly correlated with significantly low blood and tissue levels of CoQ10 ....
[In numerous studies] treatment with CoQ10 significantly improved heart muscle function while producing no adverse effects or drug interactions."

Q. congestive heart failure how it works is it to do with fluid built up in your bodyA. Congestive heart failure (CHF), or heart failure, is a condition in which the heart can't pump enough blood to the body's other organs. The "failing" heart keeps working but not as efficiently as it should. People with heart failure can't exert themselves because they become short of breath and tired.
As blood flow out of the heart slows, blood returning to the heart through the veins backs up, causing congestion in the tissues. Often swelling (edema) results. Most often there's swelling in the legs and ankles, but it can happen in other parts of the body, too. Sometimes fluid collects in the lungs and interferes with breathing, causing shortness of breath, especially when a person is lying down.
Heart failure also affects the kidneys' ability to dispose of sodium and water. The retained water increases the edema.

Q. describe the symptoms of congestive heart failure A. From my own expierience, EM24 gave an accurate answer. My edema also affects my hands as well as ankles. I was given a Xopenex HFA inhaler to use if lungs are affected.

More discussions about failure


FAILUREFearful, Arrogant, Insecure, Lonely, Uncertain, Resentful, Empty


Related to failure: failure to thrive
  • noun

Synonyms for failure

noun lack of success


  • lack of success
  • defeat
  • collapse
  • abortion
  • wreck
  • frustration
  • breakdown
  • overthrow
  • miscarriage
  • fiasco
  • downfall


  • success
  • triumph
  • effectiveness
  • adequacy

noun catastrophe


  • catastrophe
  • disaster
  • fiasco
  • let-down
  • trouble
  • tragedy
  • blunder
  • misfortune
  • devastation
  • calamity
  • mishap

noun loser


  • loser
  • disappointment
  • no-good
  • flop
  • write-off
  • incompetent
  • no-hoper
  • dud
  • clinker
  • black sheep
  • washout
  • clunker
  • dead duck
  • ne'er-do-well
  • saddo
  • nonstarter

noun negligence


  • negligence
  • neglect
  • deficiency
  • default
  • shortcoming
  • omission
  • oversight
  • dereliction
  • nonperformance
  • nonobservance
  • nonsuccess
  • remissness


  • care
  • observance

noun breakdown


  • breakdown
  • stalling
  • cutting out
  • malfunction
  • crash
  • disruption
  • stoppage
  • mishap
  • conking out

noun failing


  • failing
  • deterioration
  • decay
  • loss
  • decline

noun scarcity


  • scarcity
  • lack
  • shortfall
  • inadequacy
  • dearth
  • insufficiency

noun bankruptcy


  • bankruptcy
  • crash
  • collapse
  • ruin
  • folding
  • closure
  • winding up
  • downfall
  • going under
  • liquidation
  • insolvency


  • fortune
  • prosperity

Synonyms for failure

noun the condition of not achieving the desired end


  • unsuccess
  • unsuccessfulness

noun one that fails completely


  • bust
  • fiasco
  • loser
  • washout
  • dud
  • flop
  • lemon
  • bomb

noun a cessation of proper mechanical functions


  • breakdown
  • outage

noun nonperformance of what ought to be done


  • default
  • delinquency
  • dereliction
  • neglect
  • omission
  • nonfeasance

noun a marked loss of strength or effectiveness


  • declination
  • decline
  • deterioration

noun the condition of being financially insolvent


  • bankruptcy
  • bust
  • insolvency

Synonyms for failure

noun an act that fails

Related Words

  • nonaccomplishment
  • nonachievement
  • flunk
  • failing
  • naught
  • loss
  • lapsing
  • relapse
  • relapsing
  • backsliding
  • reverting
  • lapse
  • reversion
  • misplay
  • error
  • out
  • nonconformance
  • nonconformity
  • nonpayment
  • nonremittal
  • default

noun an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose

Related Words

  • happening
  • natural event
  • occurrence
  • occurrent
  • downfall
  • ruination
  • ruin
  • flame-out
  • malfunction
  • miscarriage
  • abortion
  • misfire
  • miss
  • bust
  • fizzle
  • flop
  • miscreation
  • malformation
  • equipment failure
  • breakdown
  • defeat
  • licking


  • success

noun lack of success

Related Words

  • circumstances
  • luck
  • destiny
  • fate
  • fortune
  • lot
  • portion
  • bankruptcy
  • bank failure
  • crop failure
  • dead duck


  • success

noun a person with a record of failing


  • nonstarter
  • unsuccessful person
  • loser

Related Words

  • unfortunate
  • unfortunate person
  • bankrupt
  • insolvent
  • flash in the pan
  • dud
  • flop
  • washout
  • underdog

noun an unexpected omission

Related Words

  • dashing hopes
  • disappointment
  • breach
  • copout
  • omission
  • skip

noun inability to discharge all your debts as they come due


  • bankruptcy

Related Words

  • insolvency

noun loss of ability to function normally

Related Words

  • disorder
  • upset
  • coronary failure
  • heart failure
  • kidney failure
  • renal failure




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