

单词 cra



(astronomy) Corona Australis
MedicalSeeclinical research associate


Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)

Enacted by Congress in 1977, the CRA encourages banks to help meet the credit needs of their communities for housing and other purposes, particularly in neighborhoods with low or moderate incomes, while maintaining safe and sound operations.

Canada Revenue Agency

The tax collection agency for the Canadian government. It is responsible for collecting all federal taxes derived from sources other than tariffs and associated fees. It also collects income taxes on behalf of all provinces except Quebec and provincial corporate taxes except for Alberta and Quebec. The CRA is also responsible for collecting the goods and services tax, which is the Canadian VAT. See also: IRS, Notice of seizure.

Community Reinvestment Act

A 1977 U.S. law encouraging banks and other lending agencies to extend credit to low and moderate income persons wishing to buy a home. The original contained no penalties, but prohibited lending institutions from discriminating against a potential homeowner based on where he/she lives. Regulatory changes in 1995 and legislative amendment in 1999 are often blamed for encouraging banks to make excessively risky loans in exchange for the ability to offer investment and insurance services. Because of this, some believe the CRA is responsible for the housing bubble that contributed to the recession that began in 2008. See also: Credit Crunch, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act

Credit Rating Agency

A company that provides investors with assessments of an investment's risk. The issuers of investments, especially debt securities, pay credit rating agencies to provide them with ratings. A high rating indicates low risk and may therefore encourage investors to buy a security. Additionally, banks may only invest in securities with a high rating from two or more credit rating agencies. The SEC recognizes 10 firms as credit rating agencies; Fitch, S&P, and Moody's are the three most prominent. However, the methods of credit ratings agencies have been subject to criticism. For example, most agencies gave high-risk mortgage-backed securities top ratings until they defaulted at the collapse of the housing bubble.


See credit reporting agency and Community Reinvestment Act.


CRACommission Régionale des Addictions (French: Regional Commission of Addictions)
CRACanada Revenue Agency
CRACommunity Redevelopment Agency
CRACommunity Reinvestment Act
CRAComputing Research Association
CRACharles River Associates
CRAClinical Research Associate
CRACalifornia Restaurant Association
CRACroatian; Serbian
CRAConseil Régional d'Aquitaine (French: Regional Council of Aquitaine; Aquitaine, France)
CRACentre de Rétention Administrative (French: Administrative Detention Center)
CRAConsumer Reporting Agency
CRACommunity Redevelopment Area (various locations)
CRACredit Rating Agencies
CRACredit Reporting Agency
CRACivil Rights Act of 1964
CRAChambre Régionale d'Agriculture (French: Regional Chamber of Agriculture)
CRACredit Reference Agency
CRACommunity Redevelopment Authority (various locations)
CRACommission de Recours Amiable (French: Conciliation Committee)
CRACentre Ressources Autismes (French: Autism Resource Center)
CRAConstructors Rally Association
CRACircuit Reservation Acknowledgment
CRACommand Register a
CRACompare Accumulators
CRACorn Refiners Association
CRACalifornia Redevelopment Association (Sacramento, CA)
CRACalifornia Republican Assembly (est. 1934)
CRACommercial Realty Advisors (various locations)
CRAChemical Risk Assessment
CRACentre for Recording Achievement
CRACédants & Repreneurs d'Affaires (French: Business Sellers & Buyers)
CRAContact Reflex Analysis
CRACommission Régionale des Arbitres (French: Regional Commission of Arbitrators)
CRACancer Research Alliance
CRACreators' Rights Alliance (various organizations)
CRAChinese Room Argument (John Searle)
CRACockroach Allergen
CRACenter for Regional Analysis
CRACosta Rica Adventure
CRACommunications Regulatory Agency
CRACanadian Rheumatology Association
CRACertified Research Administrator
CRAComité Régional Aéronautique (French: Regional Aeronautics Committee)
CRAConsolidated Revenue Account
CRACalifornia Reading Association
CRACorrosion-Resistant Alloy
CRACalifornia Redwood Association
CRACommittee for Religious Affairs
CRACenter for Rural Affairs
CRACentral Retinal Artery
CRACertified Residential Appraiser
CRACorporations Returns Act (Canada)
CRACentral Roadracing Association
CRACanadian Residential Appraiser
CRACentre de Rééducation Auditive (French: Hearing Rehabilitation Center)
CRACollege Readiness for All
CRAContinuing Resolution Authority
CRACommunity Risk Assessment (disaster management)
CRACommunity Renewal Tax Relief Act of 2000
CRACollege Regina Assumpta (Canada)
CRACustomer Relationship Analytics
CRACertified Radiology Administrator (medical professional)
CRACoordinating Review Authority (US DoD)
CRAComparative Risk Analysis
CRACorporate Research Associates, Inc. (Canada)
CRACustomer Response Application (software)
CRACost Reduction Analysis
CRACollaborative Research Agreement
CRACentre de Recherche Administrative (French: Administrative Research Center)
CRAClient Relations Assistant (various businesses)
CRACentro Rural Agrupado (Spain, type of school)
CRACommunity Research Associates
CRACommander Royal Artillery
CRACongressional Review Act of 1996
CRACertificat de Recherche Approfondie (French: Certificate of Advanced Research; Pantheon-Assas Paris II University; France)
CRACommand Relationships Agreement (US DoD)
CRACan't Remember Anything
CRACamera-Ready Art
CRAColorado Riparian Association
CRACertified Retirement Administrator
CRAConcrete Repair Association (UK)
CRAClothing Replacement Allowance
CRACorrespondence Request Assignment
CRAConflict Resolution Association (various organizations)
CRACenter for Risk Analysis
CRACooperative Research Agreement
CRACoral Reef Alliance
CRACenter for Reclaiming America
CRACramp Shipbuilding Company (Philadelphia, PA)
CRAControl Register A
CRACaribbean Rice Association
CRACustomer Return Authorization
CRACost and Revenue Assurance
CRACollision Resolution Algorithm
CRAChange Request Analysis
CRAComputed Rotational Angiography
CRAContinuous Rate Assignment
CRACost Reimbursement Contract
CRACollege of Rural Alaska (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
CRACardiac Risk Assessment
CRACustomer Relations Aide (Dayton, OH water department)
CRAChurch Relationships Assessment
CRACareer Resource Area (various organizations)
CRACoeficiente de Rendimento Acadêmico (Portugese)
CRACircuit Reservation Acknowledgement
CRAChemical Recycling Association (UK)
CRACall Routing Apparatus (UK Telecomms)
CRAChristian Restoration Association
CRACertificate of Receipt of Application
CRACompelling Reason to Act
CRAChamber Resort Association
CRACrystal Research Associates, LLC (Cranbury, NJ)
CRACommunity Residential Alternative
CRACardio-Renal Anemia Syndrome
CRACanadian Ringsport Association
CRAChemical Recovery Association (United Kingdom)
CRAClient Rights Advocate
CRACollision Research Associates (College Station, TX)
CRACriminal Report Affidavit
CRACorps Rear Area
CRACamden Recovery Act (Camden, New Jersey)
CRACertified Retinal Angiographers
CRAC R Alpacas
CRACompte Rendu d'Appel (french)
CRACompensatory Royalty Agreement
CRACorner Reflector Antenna
CRACalifornia Rehabilitation Association - North, Inc.
CRACache Relative Area
CRACampus Residents' Association
CRACalibration Requirements Analysis (US Navy)
CRAComment Response Appendix
CRAConfirmation Readiness Assessment
CRACash and Revenue Accounting
CRAClassification Review Area
CRACranfield Management Association
CRAClaim Reunderwriting Advisor (insurance)
CRACompressor, Refrigerant, Air Cool
CRAChannel Rate Adaptation
CRACentralized Repair Activity
CRAClub Radio Active (Swedish R/C-club)
CRAChemical and Radiological Assistant
CRAClassification and Ratings Administration
CRAClient Register Access
CRAComputer Resource Analysis
CRACombined Random Access
CRAComponent Research Analyst
CRACleaning and Restoration Association
CRACombined Reservation Access
CRAChildren Restraint Anchorage (safety device)
CRACytokine Release Assay




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