Acronym | Definition |
DIT➣Directory Information Tree |
DIT➣Dublin Institute of Technology |
DIT➣Department of Information Technology |
DIT➣Department of International Trade (UK) |
DIT➣Desarrollo Internacional de Talento (Spanish: International Talent Development; various locations) |
DIT➣Directorate of Information Technology (various locations) |
DIT➣Division Internationale du Travail (French: International Division of Labor) |
DIT➣Dynamic Internet Technology (est. 2001) |
DIT➣Decimation in Time (algorithm) |
DIT➣Depth of Inheritence Tree |
DIT➣Dual Income Tax |
DIT➣Dead-in-Tow (locomotives) |
DIT➣Département Informatique et Télécommunications (French: Department of Computer and Telecommunications) |
DIT➣Depth of Inheritance Tree |
DIT➣Defining Issues Test (ethics) |
DIT➣Diploma in Information Technology |
DIT➣Digital Imaging Technician (film and television industry) |
DIT➣Deutscher Investment Trust |
DIT➣Diiodotyrosine |
DIT➣Diet-Induced Thermogenesis |
DIT➣Dar es Salaam Institute of Technology (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) |
DIT➣Design Implementation Technology |
DIT➣Director of Income Tax (India) |
DIT➣DigiPen Institute of Technology |
DIT➣Delhi Institute of Technology |
DIT➣Deposits-In-Transit |
DIT➣Documentation, Information and Training |
DIT➣Details In Thread (forums & BBSs) |
DIT➣Differential Impedance Transducer |
DIT➣Detroit Institute of Technology |
DIT➣Dynamics of International Terrorism (course) |
DIT➣Design Integrated Technology, Inc |
DIT➣Disability Insurance Trust |
DIT➣Dynamic Integrated Test |
DIT➣Design Integration Testing |
DIT➣Deployed Internetworking Test |
DIT➣Data Integration Team |
DIT➣Divemaster in Training (rescue diving) |
DIT➣Desired Ignition Timing |
DIT➣Data Indicate Token |
DIT➣Data Inversion Theory |
DIT➣Due In Transfer |
DIT➣Documentation/Information Transmittal |
DIT➣Detroit Income Tax |