competitive binding assay

com·pet·i·tive bind·ing as·say

general term for an assay in which a substance competes for labeled versus unlabeled ligand; following separation of free and bound ligand, the concentration of unlabeled ligand is inversely proportional to the amount of labeled bound ligand. Values are compared with known standards.
See also: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, radioreceptor assay, immunoassay, enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique, radioimmunoassay.
Synonym(s): displacement analysis, saturation analysis

com·pet·i·tive bind·ing as·say

(kŏm-pet'i-tive bīnd'ing as'ā) An assay in which a binder competes for labeled versus unlabeled ligand; following separation of free and bound ligand, the ligand is quantitated by relating bound and unbound ratios to known standards.
See also: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunoassay, enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique, radioimmunoassay