carrier screening

car·ri·er screen·ing

indiscriminate examination of members of a population to detect heterozygotes for serious disorders and counsel about the risks of marriages with other carriers, and by prenatal diagnosis where a married couple are both carriers; often sacrifices specificity to sensitivity and is most effectively applied to populations known to be at high risk.

car·ri·er screen·ing

(kar'ē-ĕr skrēn'ing) Indiscriminate examination of members of a population to detect heterozygotes for serious disorders and provide subsequent counsel about the risks of marriages to other carriers, and by prenatal diagnosis when both spouses in a married couple are both carriers.

carrier screening

, carrier identificationPerforming genetic tests on a person to see if he or she may carry a recessive trait that might be expressed after mating with another carrier of the trait. It is used in high-risk families or populations to screen for illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, Gaucher's disease, and Tay-Sachs disease.