Acronym | Definition |
FOTM➣Fan of the Month |
FOTM➣Focus on the Masters (Ventura, CA) |
FOTM➣Flavor of the Month (also seen as FOM) |
FOTM➣Fan of Traditional Music |
FOTM➣Foaming of the Mouth |
FOTM➣Fire On The Mountain (Grateful Dead song) |
FOTM➣Fact of the Matter |
FOTM➣Fish Of The Month |
FOTM➣Feature of the Month |
FOTM➣Friends of Old Time Music (organization) |
FOTM➣Forum of the Month |
FOTM➣Fungus of the Month |
FOTM➣First of the Month |
FOTM➣Fire on the Move (gaming) |
FOTM➣Friend of the Month |
FOTM➣Field Operations Training Manual (US Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) |
FOTM➣Festival of the Masters (annual open-air art festival; Downtown Disney; Lake Buena Vista, FL) |
FOTM➣Flight Operation-Time Management |
FOTM➣Fall of the Machines (song) |
FOTM➣Functionally Oriented Technical Manual |
FOTM➣Folk On The Moor |