Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie Von
Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie Von
Born Sept. 13, 1830, in Zdislavic Castle, Moravia; died Mar. 12, 1916, in Vienna. Austrian writer; baroness.
Ebner-Eschenbach, a master of realistic prose, was the author of the short-story collections Stories of Life in the Village and the Castle (1883) and New Stories of Life in the Village and the Castle (1886). Satirizing the Austrian bourgeoisie and aristocracy, she sympathized with the common people, who were deprived of rights. The moral superiority of simple people is asserted in her novels Božena (1876) and Lotti the Watchmaker (1889). Ebner-Eschenbach’s works are somewhat flawed by a moralizing tone and sentimentality.
Ausgewählte Werke, vols. 1–3. Vienna, 1963.In Russian translation:
In Avstriiskaia novella XIX v. Moscow, 1959.