Bova Korolevich
Bova Korolevich
the hero of a Russian fantastic, chivalric novella. By surmounting various obstacles, Bova Korolevich wins the beautiful Tsarevna Druzhevna, accomplishes great deeds, and exhibits marvels of bravery. The Russian novella about Bova Korolevich has its origin in a French chivalric romance from the period of the Crusades—Beuves de Haumtone; this romance was widely known throughout Europe. Since the 18th century the figure of Bova Korolevich has been a solid part of Russian folklore and chapbooks. Popular chapbook tales about Bova Korolevich were published in hundreds of editions from the end of the 18th century right down to the beginning of the 20th century. An adaptation of the novella was done by A. N. Radishchev, and A. S. Pushkin left several rough drafts for a narrative poem entitled Bova (1814).