

单词 bovidae


Noun1.Bovidae - true antelopes; cattle; oxen; sheep; goatsfamily Bovidaemammal family - a family of mammalsRuminantia, suborder Ruminantia - cattle; bison; sheep; goats; antelopes; deer; chevrotains; giraffes; camelsbovid - hollow-horned ruminantsBovinae, subfamily Bovinae - term not used technically; essentially coextensive with genus Bos: cattle; buffalo; and sometimes includes kuduBovini, tribe Bovini - term not used technically; essentially coextensive with genus BosBos, genus Bos - wild and domestic cattle; in some classifications placed in the subfamily Bovinae or tribe BoviniOld World buffalo, buffalo - any of several Old World animals resembling oxen including, e.g., water buffalo; Cape buffaloBubalus, genus Bubalus, tribe Bubalus - in some classification systems included in genus Bos; water buffaloesgenus Anoa - a genus of mammals of the family Bovidaegenus Synercus, Synercus, tribe synercus - Cape buffaloBibos, genus Bibos - wild oxgenus Bison - sometimes considered a subgenus of genus Bos: American buffalogenus Ovibos, Ovibos - consisting of the musk-oxgenus Ovis, Ovis - sheepAmmotragus, genus Ammotragus - genus of wild sheepgenus Capra, Capra - goatsgoat antelope - bovid related to goats but having antelope-like features: mountain goats; gorals; serows; chamois; gnu goatsgenus Oreamnos, Oreamnos - mountain goatsgenus Naemorhedus, Naemorhedus - goralsCapricornis, genus Capricornis - serowsgenus Rupicapra, Rupicapra - chamoisBudorcas, genus Budorcas - gnu goatsAntilope, genus Antilope - blackbucksgenus Litocranius, Litocranius - antelopes of eastern Africa: gerenuksgenus Addax - genus of antelopes of northern African desertsConnochaetes, genus Connochaetes - African antelopes: gnusgenus Madoqua, Madoqua - genus comprising some small antelopes of eastern and northeastern AfricaAlcelaphus, genus Alcelaphus - African antelopes: hartebeestsDamaliscus, genus Damaliscus - African antelopes: sassabiesAepyceros, genus Aepyceros - African antelopes: impalasGazella, genus Gazella - typical gazellesAntidorcas, genus Antidorcas - springboksgenus Strepsiceros, genus Tragelaphus, Strepsiceros, Tragelaphus - African antelopes: kudus; bongos; nyalas; bushbucksBoselaphus, genus Boselaphus - Indian antelopes: nilgaisgenus Hippotragus, Hippotragus - sable antelopesgenus Saiga - Eurasian antelopes: saigasgenus Raphicerus, Raphicerus - African antelopes: steenboksgenus Taurotragus, Taurotragus - African antelopes: elandsgenus Kobus, Kobus - African antelopes: waterbucksAdenota, genus Adenota - African antelopes: pukugenus Oryx - African antelopes: oryxesgenus Pseudoryx, Pseudoryx - species of large cow-like mammals of Vietnam discovered by scientists in 1992



[′bō·və‚dē] (vertebrate zoology) A family of pecoran ruminants in the superfamily Bovoidea containing the true antelopes, sheep, and goats.



a family of mammals of the order Artiodactyla. Unlike the Cervidae (deer), the Bovidae have hollow horns that rest on projections of the frontal bones and that grow and are not replaced during the animal’s life. Upper incisors and canines are absent; the molars have crescent-shaped enamel ridges on the chewing surface. The stomach is complex and multichambered, and the cecum is well developed. The family Bovidae includes cattle, goats, sheep, and antelopes.


  • noun

Synonyms for Bovidae

noun true antelopes


  • family Bovidae

Related Words

  • mammal family
  • Ruminantia
  • suborder Ruminantia
  • bovid
  • Bovinae
  • subfamily Bovinae
  • Bovini
  • tribe Bovini
  • Bos
  • genus Bos
  • Old World buffalo
  • buffalo
  • Bubalus
  • genus Bubalus
  • tribe Bubalus
  • genus Anoa
  • genus Synercus
  • Synercus
  • tribe synercus
  • Bibos
  • genus Bibos
  • genus Bison
  • genus Ovibos
  • Ovibos
  • genus Ovis
  • Ovis
  • Ammotragus
  • genus Ammotragus
  • genus Capra
  • Capra
  • goat antelope
  • genus Oreamnos
  • Oreamnos
  • genus Naemorhedus
  • Naemorhedus
  • Capricornis
  • genus Capricornis
  • genus Rupicapra
  • Rupicapra
  • Budorcas
  • genus Budorcas
  • Antilope
  • genus Antilope
  • genus Litocranius
  • Litocranius
  • genus Addax
  • Connochaetes
  • genus Connochaetes
  • genus Madoqua
  • Madoqua
  • Alcelaphus
  • genus Alcelaphus
  • Damaliscus
  • genus Damaliscus
  • Aepyceros
  • genus Aepyceros
  • Gazella
  • genus Gazella
  • Antidorcas
  • genus Antidorcas
  • genus Strepsiceros
  • genus Tragelaphus
  • Strepsiceros
  • Tragelaphus
  • Boselaphus
  • genus Boselaphus
  • genus Hippotragus
  • Hippotragus
  • genus Saiga
  • genus Raphicerus
  • Raphicerus
  • genus Taurotragus
  • Taurotragus
  • genus Kobus
  • Kobus
  • Adenota
  • genus Adenota
  • genus Oryx
  • genus Pseudoryx
  • Pseudoryx




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