Acronym | Definition |
ERI➣Eritrea (ISO Country code) |
ERI➣Education, Research and Innovation |
ERI➣Espace de Rencontres et d'Information (French: Space for Meetings and Information) |
ERI➣Economic Research Institute (Redmond, WA) |
ERI➣Education and Research Institute (various organizations) |
ERI➣Early Reading Intervention (education) |
ERI➣European Research Infrastructures |
ERI➣Electrical Resistivity Imaging (geophysics) |
ERI➣Ecological Restoration Institute (NAU) |
ERI➣Earthquake Research Institute (Japan) |
ERI➣Early Retirement Incentive (various organizations) |
ERI➣Emergency Response International (Cashmere, WA) |
ERI➣Electronic Recyclers International (Fresno, CA and Gardner, MA) |
ERI➣Entis Rasterized Image |
ERI➣Enhanced Reference Implementation |
ERI➣Education Resources, Inc. (Medfield, MA) |
ERI➣Earthrights International |
ERI➣Explosion Research Institute (Japan) |
ERI➣Education Resources Information Center. |
ERI➣Equipment Reliability Institute |
ERI➣Elective Replacement Indicator (pacemakers) |
ERI➣Electronic Recording of Interrogations (law enforcement software) |
ERI➣Eastern Radiologists, Inc. (Greenville, NC) |
ERI➣Eleanor Roosevelt Institute |
ERI➣Elm Research Institute |
ERI➣Exchange Rate Index |
ERI➣Economic Reciprocity Initiative (NAACP) |
ERI➣Executive Risk Indemnity (Warren, NJ) |
ERI➣Excès de Risque Individuel (French: Excess of Individual Risk) |
ERI➣Evolutionary Retention Index |
ERI➣Enhanced Roaming Indicator |
ERI➣Electricity Regional Initiative (EU; est. 2006) |
ERI➣Erie, PA, USA - Erie International (Airport Code) |
ERI➣Engineer Restructure Initiative |
ERI➣Extended Roaming Indicator (cellular phones) |
ERI➣Epidemiology Resources Inc. (Chestnut Hill, MA) |
ERI➣Embedded Running Indicator (watches) |
ERI➣Early Return Index |
ERI➣Employee Retraining Initiative |
ERI➣Excess Regulation Index (business ethics) |
ERI➣Economic Residual Income |
ERI➣Employee Relations Inventory |
ERI➣Elsevier Realty Information, Inc |