forequarter amputation

fore·quar·ter am·pu·ta·tion

amputation of the arm with removal of the scapula and a portion of the clavicle. Synonym(s): interscapulothoracic amputation
A major surgical procedure in which the upper extremity and a variable portion of the supporting shoulder girdle is amputated, to treat either advanced malignancy—e.g., malignant melanoma, or for 1º CA of soft or bony tissues (e.g., chondrosarcoma or osteosarcoma)

forequarter amputation

Surgery A major surgical procedure in which the upper extremity and a variable portion of the supporting shoulder girdle is amputated, to treat either advanced malignancy–eg, malignant melanoma, or for 1º CA of soft or bony tissues–eg, chondrosarcoma or osteosarcoma. See Heroic surgery, Mutilating surgery.

fore·quar·ter am·pu·ta·tion

(fōr'kwōr-tĕr amp'yū-tā'shŭn) Amputation of the arm with removal of the scapula and a portion of the clavicle.