a combat formation of troops in the shape of one or several squares or rectangles.
It was used in several European armies from the 17th throughthe 19th centuries in offensive and defensive operations, primarily to repulse cavalry attacks. In the Russian Army of the18th century, especially in the wars with Turkey, the combatformation of the troops was constructed of several carrés. In thefirst half of the 18th century the Russian troops used large carrés;in the second half of the 18th century P. A. Rumiantsev in theBattle of Kagul (1770) deployed his troops in several smallcarrés, each with 3, 000 to 4, 000 men, which facilitated the im-plementation of maneuvers. A. V. Suvorov used company carrésin the battle of Tutrakan (1773). In the early 19th century, withthe development of the extended formation, the carré lost itssignificance.