

单词 bow



something bent, curved, or arched; a knot usually having two ends and two loops: She tied her sash into a bow.
Not to be confused with:beau – boyfriend of a girl or woman: I think my sister has a beau.


the front section of a ship or boat; to bend the body, head, or knee as in greeting: bow to the king; submit: bow to a request
Not to be confused with:bough – tree branch: They hung the swing from the largest bough.

bow 1

B0417000 (bou)n. Nautical 1. The front section of a ship or boat.2. Either of the sides of this front section: the starboard bow.3. The oar or the person wielding the oar closest to the bow in a racing shell.
[Middle English boue, probably of Low German origin; see bheug- in Indo-European roots.]

bow 2

B0417000 (bou)v. bowed, bow·ing, bows v.intr.1. To bend or curve downward; stoop.2. To incline the body or head or bend the knee in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.3. To yield in defeat or out of courtesy; submit. See Synonyms at yield.v.tr.1. To bend (the head, knee, or body) to express greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.2. To convey (greeting, for example) by bending the body.3. To escort deferentially: bowed us into the restaurant.4. To cause to acquiesce; submit.5. To overburden: Grief bowed them down.n. An inclination of the head or body, as in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.Phrasal Verb: bow out To remove oneself; withdraw.Idiom: bow and scrape To behave obsequiously.
[Middle English bowen, from Old English būgan; see bheug- in Indo-European roots.]

bow 3

B0139500 (bō)n.1. A bent, curved, or arched object.2. A weapon consisting of a curved, flexible strip of material, especially wood, strung taut from end to end and used to launch arrows.3. a. An archer.b. Archers considered as a group.4. a. Music A rod having horsehair drawn tightly between its two raised ends, used in playing instruments of the violin and viol families.b. A stroke made by this rod.5. A knot usually having two loops and two ends; a bowknot.6. a. A frame for the lenses of a pair of eyeglasses.b. The part of such a frame passing over the ear.7. A rainbow.8. An oxbow.v. bowed, bow·ing, bows v.tr.1. To bend (something) into the shape of a bow.2. Music To play (a stringed instrument) with a bow.v.intr.1. To bend into a curve or bow.2. Music To play a stringed instrument with a bow.
[Middle English bowe, from Old English boga; see bheug- in Indo-European roots.]


(baʊ) vb1. to lower (one's head) or bend (one's knee or body) as a sign of respect, greeting, assent, or shame2. to bend or cause to bend; incline downwards3. (intr; usually foll by to or before) to comply or accept: bow to the inevitable. 4. (tr; foll by in, out, to etc) to usher (someone) into or out of a place with bows and deference: the manager bowed us to our car. 5. (tr; usually foll by down) to bring (a person, nation, etc) to a state of submission6. bow and scrape to behave in an excessively deferential or obsequious wayn7. a lowering or inclination of the head or body as a mark of respect, greeting, or assent8. take a bow to acknowledge or receive applause or praise[Old English būgan, related to Old Norse bjūgr bent, Old High German biogan to bend, Dutch buigen]


(bəʊ) n1. (Archery) a weapon for shooting arrows, consisting of an arch of flexible wood, plastic, metal, etc bent by a string (bowstring) fastened at each end. See also crossbow2. (Instruments) a. a long slightly curved stick across which are stretched strands of horsehair, used for playing the strings of a violin, viola, cello, or related instrumentb. a stroke with such a stick3. (Knots) a. a decorative interlacing of ribbon or other fabrics, usually having two loops and two loose endsb. the knot forming such an interlacing; bowknot4. a. something that is curved, bent, or archedb. (in combination): rainbow; oxbow; saddlebow. 5. (Archery) a person who uses a bow and arrow; archer6. (Medicine) a. a frame of a pair of spectaclesb. a sidepiece of the frame of a pair of spectacles that curls round behind the ear7. (Antiques) a metal ring forming the handle of a pair of scissors or of a large old-fashioned key8. (Architecture) architect part of a building curved in the form of a bow. See also bow windowvb9. to form or cause to form a curve or curves10. (Classical Music) to make strokes of a bow across (violin strings)[Old English boga arch, bow; related to Old Norse bogi a bow, Old High German bogo, Old Irish bocc, and bow1]


(baʊ) n1. (Nautical Terms) chiefly nautical a. (often plural) the forward end or part of a vesselb. (as modifier): the bow mooring line. 2. (Nautical Terms) rowing short for bowman3. (Nautical Terms) on the port bow nautical within 45 degrees to the port of straight ahead4. (Nautical Terms) on the starboard bow nautical within 45 degrees to the starboard of straight ahead5. a shot across someone's bows informal a warning[C15: probably from Low German boog; related to Dutch boeg, Danish bov ship's bow, shoulder; see bough]


(bəʊ) n (Biography) Clara, known as the It Girl. 1905–65, US film actress, noted for her vivacity and sex appeal



v.i. 1. to bend the knee or body or incline the head, as in reverence, submission, or salutation. 2. to yield; submit: to bow to the inevitable. 3. to bend or curve downward; stoop: The pines bowed low. v.t. 4. to bend or incline (the knee, body, or head) in worship, submission, respect, civility, etc. 5. to cause to submit; subdue; crush. 6. to cause to stoop or incline. 7. to express by a bow: to bow one's thanks. 8. to usher (someone) with a bow: They were bowed in by the footman. 9. to cause to bend; make curved or crooked. 10. bow out, to withdraw by choice, as from a task; retire. n. 11. an inclination of the head or body in salutation, assent, thanks, reverence, submission, etc. Idioms: bow and scrape, to be excessively polite or deferential. [before 900; Middle English bowen (v.), Old English būgan; c. Dutch buigen]


n. 1. a flexible strip of wood or other material, bent by a string stretched between its ends, for shooting arrows. 2. a bend or curve. 3. a readily loosened knot for joining the ends of a ribbon or string, having two projecting loops. 4. a loop or gathering of ribbon, paper, etc., used as a decoration. 5. a flexible rod having horsehairs stretched from end to end, used for playing a musical instrument of the viol or violin families. 6. something curved or arc-shaped. 7. an archer; bowman. 8. temple 2 (def. 2). 9. rainbow. 10. a U-shaped piece for placing under an animal's neck to hold a yoke. adj. 11. curved outward at the center; bent: bow legs. v.t., v.i. 12. to bend into the form of a bow; curve. 13. to perform with a bow on a stringed instrument. [before 1000; Middle English bowe (n.), Old English boga] bow′less, adj.



n. 1. the forward end of a vessel or airship. 2. the foremost oar in rowing a boat. adj. 3. of or pertaining to the bow of a ship. [1620–30; < Low German boog (n.) or Dutch boeg or Dan bov; see bough]


 a herd of cattle; the cattle on a farm [the livestock], c. 1300; bowmen or archers collectively, 1511.Example: bow of ky [Scots ‘cattle’], 1568.

Bow, Bowpot, Boughpot

 a bouquet of flowers or boughs; a bunch of flowers, 1848; a pot for holding boughs or flowers for ornament, 1583.


Past participle: bowed
Gerund: bowing
I bow
you bow
he/she/it bows
we bow
you bow
they bow
I bowed
you bowed
he/she/it bowed
we bowed
you bowed
they bowed
Present Continuous
I am bowing
you are bowing
he/she/it is bowing
we are bowing
you are bowing
they are bowing
Present Perfect
I have bowed
you have bowed
he/she/it has bowed
we have bowed
you have bowed
they have bowed
Past Continuous
I was bowing
you were bowing
he/she/it was bowing
we were bowing
you were bowing
they were bowing
Past Perfect
I had bowed
you had bowed
he/she/it had bowed
we had bowed
you had bowed
they had bowed
I will bow
you will bow
he/she/it will bow
we will bow
you will bow
they will bow
Future Perfect
I will have bowed
you will have bowed
he/she/it will have bowed
we will have bowed
you will have bowed
they will have bowed
Future Continuous
I will be bowing
you will be bowing
he/she/it will be bowing
we will be bowing
you will be bowing
they will be bowing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bowing
you have been bowing
he/she/it has been bowing
we have been bowing
you have been bowing
they have been bowing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bowing
you will have been bowing
he/she/it will have been bowing
we will have been bowing
you will have been bowing
they will have been bowing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bowing
you had been bowing
he/she/it had been bowing
we had been bowing
you had been bowing
they had been bowing
I would bow
you would bow
he/she/it would bow
we would bow
you would bow
they would bow
Past Conditional
I would have bowed
you would have bowed
he/she/it would have bowed
we would have bowed
you would have bowed
they would have bowed
Noun1.bow - a knot with two loops and loose endsbow - a knot with two loops and loose ends; used to tie shoelacesbowknotknot - any of various fastenings formed by looping and tying a rope (or cord) upon itself or to another rope or to another object
2.bow - a slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands; used in playing certain stringed instrumentsfiddlestick, violin bow - a bow used in playing the violinstick - an implement consisting of a length of wood; "he collected dry sticks for a campfire"; "the kid had a candied apple on a stick"
3.bow - front part of a vessel or aircraftbow - front part of a vessel or aircraft; "he pointed the bow of the boat toward the finish line"fore, prow, stemfront - the side that is seen or that goes firstvessel, watercraft - a craft designed for water transportation
4.bow - a weapon for shooting arrows, composed of a curved piece of resilient wood with a taut cord to propel the arrowbow and arrow - a weapon consisting of arrows and the bow to shoot thembowstring - the string of an archer's bowcrossbow - a bow fixed transversely on a wooden stock grooved to direct the arrow (quarrel)Cupid's bow - a curved bow with reversed curve endshandbow - a bow drawn by hand as distinguished from a crossbowlimb - either of the two halves of a bow from handle to tip; "the upper limb of the bow"longbow - a powerful wooden bow drawn by hand; usually 5-6 feet long; used in medieval Englandweapon, weapon system, arm - any instrument or instrumentality used in fighting or hunting; "he was licensed to carry a weapon"
5.bow - something curved in shapebow - something curved in shape arcrainbow - an arc of colored light in the sky caused by refraction of the sun's rays by raincurve, curved shape - the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes
6.bow - bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greetingbow - bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greetingbowing, obeisancereverence - an act showing respect (especially a bow or curtsy)motion, gesture - the use of movements (especially of the hands) to communicate familiar or prearranged signalsgenuflection, genuflexion - the act of bending the knees in worship or reverencekotow, kowtow - a former Chinese custom of touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submissionscrape, scraping - a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility); "all that bowing and scraping did not impress him"salaam - a deep bow; a Muslim form of salutation
7.bow - an appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to acknowledge the applause of the audiencebow - an appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to acknowledge the applause of the audiencecurtain callthanks - an acknowledgment of appreciation
8.bow - a decorative interlacing of ribbonsdecoration, ornament, ornamentation - something used to beautify
9.bow - a stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instrumentsstroke - a single complete movementdown-bow - a downward stroke from the heel to the tip of the bowup-bow - an upward stroke from the tip to the heel of the bow
Verb1.bow - bend one's knee or body, or lower one's head; "He bowed before the King"; "She bowed her head in shame"bow downconge, congee - perform a ceremonious bowgesticulate, gesture, motion - show, express or direct through movement; "He gestured his desire to leave"
2.bow - yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure"accede, give in, defer, submitbuckle under, knuckle under, succumb, give in, yield - consent reluctantly
3.bow - bend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting; "He bowed before the King"take a bow - acknowledge applause by inclining the head, as of an artist after a performancechange posture - undergo a change in bodily posturecurtsey, curtsy - bend the knees in a gesture of respectful greetingkowtow, genuflect, scrape - bend the knees and bow in a servile mannergenuflect - bend the knees and bow in church or before a religious superior or imagebow down, prostrate - get into a prostrate position, as in submission
4.bow - bend one's back forward from the waist on downbow - bend one's back forward from the waist on down; "he crouched down"; "She bowed before the Queen"; "The young man stooped to pick up the girl's purse"crouch, stoop, bendbend, flex - form a curve; "The stick does not bend"squinch - crouch downcower, huddle - crouch or curl up; "They huddled outside in the rain"
5.bow - play on a string instrument with a bowmusic - musical activity (singing or whistling etc.); "his music was his central interest"play - play on an instrument; "The band played all night long"


1verb1. bend, bob, nod, incline, stoop, droop, genuflect, make obeisance He bowed slightly before taking her bag.noun1. bending, bob, nod, inclination, salaam, obeisance, kowtow, genuflection I gave a theatrical bow and waved.bow down to someone grovel to, suck up to (slang), fawn on, cringe to, court, toady to We should not have to bow down to anyone.bow out give up, retire, withdraw, get out, resign, quit, pull out, step down (informal), back out, throw in the towel, cop out (slang), throw in the sponge, call it a day or night He bowed out gracefully when his successor was appointed.bow to something or someone give in to, accept, comply with, succumb to, submit to, surrender to, yield to, defer to, concede to, acquiesce to, kowtow to She is having to bow to their terms.


2noun (Nautical) prow, head, stem, fore, beak spray from the ship's bow


3noun1. knot, tie, lace, loop, ribbon, braid, rosette, ligature Add a length of ribbon tied in a bow.2. longbow, crossbow Some of the raiders were armed with bows and arrows.

bow 1

verb1. To incline the body:arch, bend, hump, hunch, scrunch, stoop.2. To give in from or as if from a gradual loss of strength:buckle, capitulate, submit, succumb, surrender, yield.Informal: fold.3. To conform to the will or judgment of another, especially out of respect or courtesy:defer, submit, yield.Idioms: give ground, give way.nounAn inclination of the head or body, as in greeting, consent, courtesy, submission, or worship:curtsy, genuflection, kowtow, nod, obeisance.

bow 2

nounSomething bent:bend, crook, curvature, curve, round, turn.verbTo swerve from a straight line:angle, arc, arch, bend, crook, curve, round, turn.


(bau) verb1. to bend (the head and often also the upper part of the body) forwards in greeting a person etc. He bowed to the ladies; They bowed their heads in prayer. 鞠躬 鞠躬2. (with to) to accept. I bow to your superior knowledge. 接受,屈從 屈从 noun a bowing movement. He made a bow to the ladies. 鞠躬 鞠躬bowed adjective (often with down) bent downwards, eg by the weight of something. The trees were bowed down with fruit. 彎曲的 弯曲的


(bəu) noun1. a springy curved rod bent by a string, by which arrows are shot. 2. a rod with horsehair stretched along it, by which the strings of a violin etc are sounded. 琴弓 琴弓3. a looped knot of material. Her dress is decorated with bows. 蝴蝶結 蝴蝶花结 noun (bau) (often in plural) the front of a ship or boat. The waves broke over the bows. 船頭 船头


弓zhCN, 蝴蝶结zhCN, 鞠躬zhCN


  • a shot across somebody's bows
  • a shot across the bows
  • a warning shot across the bows
  • another string to (one's) bow
  • another string to your bow
  • born within the sound of Bow bells
  • bow and scrape
  • bow and scrape, to
  • bow before
  • bow before (someone)
  • bow down
  • bow down before (someone)
  • bow down in the house of Rimmon
  • bow down to (someone)
  • bow out
  • bow out of the running
  • bow the knee
  • bow to (one's) demands
  • bow to (someone or something)
  • bow to demands
  • bow to the porcelain altar
  • bow-wow
  • cross (one's) bows
  • fire a shot across the bow
  • have a second string to (one's) bow
  • have a second string to your bow
  • have another string to (one's) bow
  • have another string/more strings to your bow
  • have many strings to (one's) bow
  • have more strings to (one's) bow
  • have more than one string to (one's) bow
  • have two strings to (one's) bow
  • make (one's) bow
  • make your bow
  • pussy bow
  • pussycat bow
  • shot across the bow(s)
  • string to (one's) bow
  • take a bow
  • two strings to (one's) bow
  • two strings to one's bow
  • warning shot across the bow(s)



(bō), river, 315 mi (507 km) long, rising in the Rocky Mts., S Alta., Canada, and flowing SE through Banff National Park. It emerges from the mountains in the Bow River Pass and continues past Calgary southeastward across the plains to its junction with the Belly River to form the South Saskatchewan River. Several dams have been built along the Bow, most notably the Bassano or Horseshoe Bend Dam (built 1912).


(bō), implement used in playing stringed instruments. Its name originated from the fact that in its early form it resembled an archer's bow, but by the 17th cent. the European bow had gradually become flat. The violin bow received its definitive form during the period from 1775 to 1781 at the hands of François Tourte (1747–1835). He made the bow of brazilwood (Pernambuco wood), gave it a slightly concave curvature, and invented the device by which the horsehairs are held in place and tightened. The cello and the double bass are played with a bow that is shorter, broader, and heavier than the violin bow.



a hand weapon for shooting arrows.

The bow was used by virtually all tribes and peoples of the world (except for the indigenous inhabitants of Australia and Micronesia) from the Mesolithic period until the 17th century. (Some peoples use them still in the 20th century.) The simple bow was a piece of wood bent into an arc with the ends connected by a bowstring. It was used by the peoples of South Africa, South America, and Melanesia and was common among the Romans, ancient Germans, Normans, and Anglo-Saxons.

The composite bow consisted of a wooden base that had sinews glued on its outer side and pieces of horn on the inside. The middle and ends of the handle sometimes had bone overlays. It was stronger than the simple bow and surpassed it in range of fire; it was used by the peoples of the ancient Orient. On the territory of the USSR the composite bow was known in the first millennium B.C. among the Scythian and Sarmatian tribes, the Huns of the Transbaikal region, and the Middle Asian peoples. The ancient Russian bow was of the complex type. It was used by foot soldiers and cavalry. In the Middle Ages the bow coexisted and competed with the firearm for an extended period. Archery is one of the most ancient types of sport.



(or prow), the forward extremity of a ship. The structures of a ship that adjoin the stem are usually referred to as the bow; sometimes the term refers only to the outline of the forward extremity. The shape of the bow depends on the function and dimensions of the vessel; the shape of the forward outline affects such operating characteristics as the drag of the water, the ability to mount waves, and ice-breaking performance.



a wooden rod with a number of horsehairs stretched from end to end. It is used to produce sound from stringed instruments.


[bau̇] (aerospace engineering) The forward section of an aircraft. (architecture) A part of a building shaped as an arc or a polygon and projecting from a straight wall. (materials) The distortion of lumber in which there is a deviation from a straight line in a direction perpendicular to the flat face. (naval architecture) The forward part of a ship.


bow, 1 1. The longitudinal curvature of a rod, bar, or piece of tubing or lumber. 2. A flexible rod for laying large curves to any desired curvature. 3. Old English term for flying buttress.


11. a weapon for shooting arrows, consisting of an arch of flexible wood, plastic, metal, etc. bent by a string (bowstring) fastened at each end 2. a long slightly curved stick across which are stretched strands of horsehair, used for playing the strings of a violin, viola, cello, or related instrument 3. USa. a frame of a pair of spectacles b. a sidepiece of the frame of a pair of spectacles that curls round behind the ear 4. a metal ring forming the handle of a pair of scissors or of a large old-fashioned key 5. Architect part of a building curved in the form of a bow


21. Chiefly nauticala. the forward end or part of a vessel b. (as modifier): the bow mooring line 2. Rowing short for bowman3. on the port (or starboard) bow Nautical within 45 degrees to the port (or starboard) of straight ahead



(), Any device bent in a simple curve or semicircle and possessing flexibility. [A.S. boga]


() Any device bent in a simple curve or semicircle and possessing flexibility. [A.S. boga]


BOWBecoming an Outdoors Woman (various organizations)
BOWBeginning of Week
BOWBureau of Wildlife (various locations)
BOWBusiness Opportunities for Women (various locations)
BOWBattle of Wits
BOWBank of the West (Oak Creek, California)
BOWBag of Words (text representation)
BOWBlessing of Wisdom (World of Warcraft)
BOWBread on the Waters
BOWBag of Waters
BOWBitch on Wheels
BOWBottom of Wall
BOWBio-Organic Weapon (Resident Evil game)
BOWBasic Operating Weight (aviation)
BOWBack of Wall
BOWBill of Work
BOWBethlehem Olive Wood
BOWBlue Ocean Wireless Ltd. (Dublin, Ireland)
BOWBrotherhood of Warez
BOWBeginning of Window (launch)
BOWBrowsable On-air Witness (TV studio loop video recorder for legal proof/monitoring; EVS Broadcast Equipment)
BOWBright Object Warning
BOWBattalion Orderly Warrant


  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for bow

verb bend


  • bend
  • bob
  • nod
  • incline
  • stoop
  • droop
  • genuflect
  • make obeisance

noun bending


  • bending
  • bob
  • nod
  • inclination
  • salaam
  • obeisance
  • kowtow
  • genuflection

phrase bow down to someone


  • grovel to
  • suck up to
  • fawn on
  • cringe to
  • court
  • toady to

phrase bow out


  • give up
  • retire
  • withdraw
  • get out
  • resign
  • quit
  • pull out
  • step down
  • back out
  • throw in the towel
  • cop out
  • throw in the sponge
  • call it a day or night

phrase bow to something or someone


  • give in to
  • accept
  • comply with
  • succumb to
  • submit to
  • surrender to
  • yield to
  • defer to
  • concede to
  • acquiesce to
  • kowtow to

noun prow


  • prow
  • head
  • stem
  • fore
  • beak

noun knot


  • knot
  • tie
  • lace
  • loop
  • ribbon
  • braid
  • rosette
  • ligature

noun longbow


  • longbow
  • crossbow

Synonyms for bow

verb to incline the body


  • arch
  • bend
  • hump
  • hunch
  • scrunch
  • stoop

verb to give in from or as if from a gradual loss of strength


  • buckle
  • capitulate
  • submit
  • succumb
  • surrender
  • yield
  • fold

verb to conform to the will or judgment of another, especially out of respect or courtesy


  • defer
  • submit
  • yield

noun an inclination of the head or body, as in greeting, consent, courtesy, submission, or worship


  • curtsy
  • genuflection
  • kowtow
  • nod
  • obeisance

noun something bent


  • bend
  • crook
  • curvature
  • curve
  • round
  • turn

verb to swerve from a straight line


  • angle
  • arc
  • arch
  • bend
  • crook
  • curve
  • round
  • turn

Synonyms for bow

noun a knot with two loops and loose ends


  • bowknot

Related Words

  • knot

noun a slightly curved piece of resilient wood with taut horsehair strands

Related Words

  • fiddlestick
  • violin bow
  • stick

noun front part of a vessel or aircraft


  • fore
  • prow
  • stem

Related Words

  • front
  • vessel
  • watercraft

noun a weapon for shooting arrows, composed of a curved piece of resilient wood with a taut cord to propel the arrow

Related Words

  • bow and arrow
  • bowstring
  • crossbow
  • Cupid's bow
  • handbow
  • limb
  • longbow
  • weapon
  • weapon system
  • arm

noun something curved in shape


  • arc

Related Words

  • rainbow
  • curve
  • curved shape

noun bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or greeting


  • bowing
  • obeisance

Related Words

  • reverence
  • motion
  • gesture
  • genuflection
  • genuflexion
  • kotow
  • kowtow
  • scrape
  • scraping
  • salaam

noun an appearance by actors or performers at the end of the concert or play in order to acknowledge the applause of the audience


  • curtain call

Related Words

  • thanks

noun a decorative interlacing of ribbons

Related Words

  • decoration
  • ornament
  • ornamentation

noun a stroke with a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands that is used in playing stringed instruments

Related Words

  • stroke
  • down-bow
  • up-bow

verb bend one's knee or body, or lower one's head


  • bow down

Related Words

  • conge
  • congee
  • gesticulate
  • gesture
  • motion

verb yield to another's wish or opinion


  • accede
  • give in
  • defer
  • submit

Related Words

  • buckle under
  • knuckle under
  • succumb
  • give in
  • yield

verb bend the head or the upper part of the body in a gesture of respect or greeting

Related Words

  • take a bow
  • change posture
  • curtsey
  • curtsy
  • kowtow
  • genuflect
  • scrape
  • bow down
  • prostrate

verb bend one's back forward from the waist on down


  • crouch
  • stoop
  • bend

Related Words

  • bend
  • flex
  • squinch
  • cower
  • huddle

verb play on a string instrument with a bow

Related Words

  • music
  • play




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