

单词 ebp
释义 DictionarySeepractice



A gene on chromosome Xp11.23-p11.22 that encodes emopamil-binding protein, an integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum, which catalyses the conversion of delta8 sterols to delta7-isomers and may be involved in drug transport by P glycoprotein.
Molecular pathology
EBP mutations cause chondrodysplasia punctata type 2 (Conradi-Hünermann syndrome).


(prak'tis) [L. practica, practical work, fr Gr. praktike] 1. The use by a health care professional of knowledge and skill to provide a service in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness and in the maintenance of health.2. The continuing, repetitive effort to become proficient and to improve one's skill in the practice of medicine.

blocked practice

A means of gaining mastery over a skill by drilling, i.e., by performing tasks or movements repeatedly according to a fixed procedure. Research shows that while blocked practice is superior at improving immediate performance, it is not as effective as other approaches, such as random practice, for retained learning. See: random practice

evidence-based practice

Abbreviation: EBP
Evidence-based health care.

family practice

Comprehensive medical care with particular emphasis on the family unit, in which the physician's continuing responsibility for health care is not limited by the patient's age or sex or by a particular organ system or disease entity.

Family practice is the specialty that builds on a core of knowledge derived from other disciplines, drawing most heavily on Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surgery, and Psychiatry, and establishes a cohesive unit, combining the behavioral sciences with the traditional biological and clinical sciences. The core of knowledge encompassed by the discipline of family practice prepares the family physician for a unique role in patient management, problem solving, counseling, and as a personal physician who coordinates total health care delivery. (Definition supplied by The American Academy of Family Physicians.)

legitimate medical practice

Any form of treatment that is accepted under the Medical Practice Acts enacted by each of the fifty U.S. states.

patient safety practice

A systematic health care practice that reduces the likelihood that patients will suffer undesirable side effects from treatment.

private practice

The practice by a health care professional, usually a physician or dentist, in a setting in which the practice and the practitioner are independent of external policy control other than ethics of the professional and state licensing laws.

random practice

A means of gaining mastery over a skill through training exercises that vary the sequence of elements in the skill. Compared with blocked practice, in which a skill is learned by fixed, repetitive drilling, random practice, with its frequently modified routine, results in better retention of the skill after training is completed. See: blocked practice

recommended practice

Abbreviation: RP
A protocol for care about which there is general agreement, e.g., a practice guideline or officially sanctioned technique, esp. one that enhances the safety or reliability of care.

wear and care practice

Guidelines for the use and cleansing of contact lenses, designed to optimize their healthful and safe use. Synonym: wear and care regimen


EBPEnhancer-Binding Protein
EBPEvidence Based Practice
EBPEthanol Blended Petrol (India)
EBPEpidural Blood Patch
EBPEducation Business Partnership
EBPEnhanced Branch Prediction
EBPEnterprise Business Planning
EBPExtra Bit Picture
EBPEthernet Backplane
EBPElectronic Brokerage Platform
EBPExpansion Bus Peripherals
EBPeBay Buyer Protection
EBPÉcole de Boulangerie et de Pâtisserie (French: Bakery and Patisserie School)
EBPEffects Based Planning (US DoD)
EBPEfficiency Bandwidth Product
EBPExhaust Back Pressure
EBPEnterprise Buyer Professional
EBPEnglish for Business Purposes (teaching)
EBPEvidence Based Policy
EBPEuropean Business Press
EBPEuropean Business Programme
EBPElectronic Billing and Payment
EBPEast Bay Paratransit (Oakland, CA)
EBPEffective Business Presentations
EBPExtended Base Pointer
EBPError Back Propagation
EBPEuropean Biometrics Portal (EU)
EBPEvidence-Based Pediatrics
EBPElementary Business Process (modeling)
EBPExtrabudgetary Programme
EBPERM-Binding Phosphoprotein
EBPExecutive Benefit Plan
EBPEvidence-Based Purchasing
EBPElectron Blue Pearl (Honda paint color)
EBPEarly Booking Price (promotional discount)
EBPEnglish Bridge Program (SImon Fraser University; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)
EBPExtended Billing Plan
EBPEnd Boiling Point
EBPEast Border Peer
EBPEbay Payments (method of payment on eBay)
EBPExterior Border Proxy
EBPElectronic Business Plan
EBPExample Based Procedure
EBPEngelhardt-Bain Process
EBPElectronics Based Plate
EBPEchange de Bonnes Pratiques (French: Exchange of Good Practices; business concept)
EBPElectronic Budgeting and Planning (Central Bank of Nigeria)




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