Ebstein's anomaly

Ebstein's anomaly

 [eb´shtīnz] a malformation of the tricuspid valve, the septal and posterior leaflets being adherent to the wall of the right ventricle to a varying degree, producing tricuspid deficiency, and the anterior leaflet being normally attached to the annulus fibrosus; usually associated with an atrial septal defect.Ebstein's anomaly with tricuspid valve significantly displaced downward in the right ventricle; leakage occurs through the tricuspid valve back to the right atrium, and unoxygenated blood is shunted across the atrial-septal defect into the left atrium. From Betz et al., 1994.

Ebstein's anomaly

An uncommon (0.5% of all congenital heart defects) cardiac malformation, which is characterised by apical displacement of the septal and posterior tricuspid valve leaflets, with atrialisation of the right ventricle and displacement of the anterior leaflet, leading to tricuspid regurgitation of varying severity and backflow of blood into the right atrium from the right ventricle.