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DictionarySeematrixEncyclopediaSeeMatrixcartilage matrix
matrix [ma´triks] (pl. ma´trices) (L.) 1. the intercellular substance of a tissue, as bone matrix, or the tissue from which a structure develops, as hair or nail matrix.2. a metal or plastic band used to provide proper form to a dental restoration, such as amalgam in a prepared cavity. Matrices: A, Simple metal strip with a wooden wedge. B, Circumferential band of copper to encase the entire crown. From Baum et al., 1995.bone matrix the intercellular substance of bone, consisting of collagenous fibers, ground substance, and inorganic salts.cartilage matrix the intercellular substance of cartilage consisting of cells and extracellular fibers embedded in an amorphous ground substance.nail matrix (matrix un´guis) the nail bed.car·ti·lage ma·trixthe extracellular substance of cartilage consisting of fibers and ground substance.car·ti·lage ma·trix (kahr'ti-lăj mā'triks) The intercellular substance of cartilage consisting of fibers and ground substance. |